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Date Posted: 04:58:41 06/11/17 Sun
Author: Knuit Holt
Subject: FEMA camps - imprizonment, enslavement, extremination facilities for huge number of individuals

To read about the FEMA concentration camps, principles of physical yoga, about the vulva, also called pussy or cunt, about making a low calory tuna or chicken salad, please scroll down.


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Watch Out for the Steadily Growing and Proliferating Massive FEMA Complexes and Similar

In the last years one has seen a continual establishment of big and massive FEMA camps or camps of the same type that do not tag themselves as belonging to any particular organization. They are seen in all of North America, not only in USA.

The camps are generally equipped with heavy vans suited for military operations or for transport of persons under guardianship.

Also one sees great number of vans that look like some kind of intensive care ambulanses, without being tagged as such.

The vans are generally dark or camouflage greybrown with dakened windows, and only some of them are tagged with FEMA symbols or symbols of any other organization.

The vans are also already in heavy use on the highways of North America.

The massive amounts of FEMA camps with associated equipment being erected now, surely has a purpose, or several purposes of use in the near future.

- One possibly espect some catastrophy to happen, which the public is not aware of yet, and the camps are meant to house people hit by the catastropy.

- Possibly one plans to use them to incarcerate all individuals that do not fit into the steadily thighter standards for living or behavior being imposed all over the World right now.

- Possibly they plan to incarcerate people that have shown to be a threat to, or to oppose, the order of the society or plans for new World or national orders.

- Possibly the camps are meant as death camps for people not conforming to strict standards, or are regarded as a threat to the existing or planned orders of the society.

- Possibly they plan to inarcerate a huge number of people and use them as slave laborers for the big multinational companies. USA and other countries pass steadily new laws defining any daviation from a strict standard of normal behavior as a major crime punishable with long prizon terms. Those imprizoned will then be rented out as slave laborers to the great companies. This is already happening, but with the steadily greater amount of people imprizoned the camps will be used.

- Possibly many of the camps are meant as reformation facilities for children and teens that do not conform to steadily stricter standards for attitudes, behavior, psycological status, bodily status and mental status. This is already happening, but when the number of institutionalized kids gets big enough these caqmps will be takn into use.

- Possibly one have near future plans to end national democracies and set in place a governance by a global elite using the United Nations as a platform for this coup, and incarcerate all that oppose or are a threat to the new order.

- Possibly one plans to bus large groups of individuals to the buildings to install electronic seurveillance chips into them, and to perfom physical and mental procedures on them that make them easy to control for the government. There are already symptoms in the society telling this already is happening, and those targeted so far are mostly children or teens that are bussed to the establishments under heavy anesthesia from where they live.

- Possibly they are meant as concentration central for individuals that the society wants to use a guinea pigs in medical research projects or as resources for organs and tissue, for the benefit of higher ranking individuals in the society, and as distrinution facilities for organs and tissues taken. Children and teens are the nost actual for such abuse. Already the number of children and teens disappearing sudenly for never to be found, and the great number of children and teens being declared brain-dead in an undue time after incidences, suggest something of the kind is alreay heavily pÄerating.

Probably one plans for all these uses. FEMA itself will not be the conductor of all these enterprizes, but it will rent out the facilities and their practical help to those conducting them.

Many will authomatically think that even thinking that such plans exist, is lunatic. Those should be reminded that many of these types of atrocities have happend in the relatively near history, in a massive degree and in societies with a high cultural standard, of which Germany under Hitler, and Eastern Europe under the communist regimes are the most conspicous examples.

Also the very structure of these camps with belonging equipment makes them suitable for such use.

Everybody should surveil closely what is happening, globally, nationally and localy, make they one's own condluions and prepare oneself physically and materially, as well as plan escape routes.

Knut Holt




The Basic Principles of Physical Yoga, also Called Hatha Yoga

By Knut Holt



The Basics of Physical Yoga Exercises- or Hatha Yoga

Systems of physical exercises that can be called yoga have been developed many places and with different ultimate purposes, but the improvement of health and physical abilities is always a purpose. In many traditions, especially many of the the Indian traditions of yoga, these bodily improvements are seen as a means for a further higher spiritual goal. In other traditions the bodily improvements together with coupled mental improvements are seen as the main goal, as for exmple in the Chinese traditions.

The basic principles of physical yoga exercises are simple, however, and if you follow these principles, you actually are doing yoga. Therefore you can make your own yoga exercises that fit your own need as long as you follow the principles. In the following these are explained.

An important part of physical yoga is the breathing exercises, or pranayama. This part is in many ways the most fundamental, because the basic type of breathing is also a part of the yoga postures - the asanas. The postures consist of stretching and holding the body in specific stretched positions for some time, while breathing in a specific way. One usually do both pranatama and asanas in the same session. You can do the pranayama before or after the asanas.


The complete yoga-breath is a basic exercise upon which all other breathing exercises are based, and this is also the way you breath during the body postures. It is however also an independent exercise that you can do any time to refresh yourself. It begins with lungs in a totally empty state obtained by contracting your stomach muscles and all of your chest muscles.

Then breath in as much as you can by letting your stomach expand. Then proceed breathing in by expanding the muscles in the mid of your chest. At last complete the filling of your lungs by expanding the upper part of your chest. It is not possible to separate these three faces completely, though, and they shall also glide over into each other in a smooth way.

Then you empty your lungs completely in a similar sequence. First you contract your stomach muscles and empty as much as possible using these muscles. While holding your stomach muscles contracted, you proceed emptying by contracting the muscles in the mid of your chest and then complete by contracting the upper part of your chest.

All other breathing exercises are essentially variants of the complete yoga breath. When doing the exercises you sit in an upright position on a chair or on some cloth at the floor with crossed legs. Some of these exercises are:

- You breath in and out rapidly 8-15 times, and then hold your breath some while.

- You breath in rapidly, using 4 seconds, then hold your breath 16 seconds or as long as it feels comfortable, then breath out using 8 seconds.

- In a more complex variant of the above exercise you breath in while closing one of your nostrils with a finger, hold your breath some while, and then breath out closing the other nostril. Then you repeat it while still closing your other nostril, hold the breath and then breath out while closing the first nostril.

- You can breath in and breath out through your mouth while pressing your lips towards each other so that you get an extra pressure in your lungs. You can also press your lips together while breathing in so that you get an under-pressure in your lungs.


A yoga posture begins with your body in a relaxed position, either laying flat down or sitting right up. You empty your lungs before the posture as in a complete yoga breath.

- Then you slowly swing or twist your whole body or parts of your body into a stretched position. While doing this your breath in as in the complete yoga breath.

- Then you hold the position for a short or longer time. If you hold it long, you are breathing relaxed with the complete yoga breath method, but not in such a complete way that the breath makes you exhausted.

- Then you slowly swing back from the stretched state to the original position while breathing out like in the complete yoga breath.

Most postures are variant of these basic principles, of which a few are:

- You lay on your back on a cloth at the floor. Then swing your arms up and behind your shoulders, stretching all of your body from top to toe. Then slowly sit up and swing your torso forward while stretching your arms towards your toes. If possible bend your torso all the way down to your knees. After holding the position some while, slowly sit up and then lay down to the original position.

- You lay on a cloth at the floor on your stomach, with another cloth under your lower stomach to protect your genitals. Then lift and swing your upper body up as long as possible, while also bending your head back. Push with your hands towards the floor to help the lifting and to get an effective stretch. Then slowly lay down again at your stomach.

- Sit at the floor on a thick cloth with your legs flexed up halfway towards your stomach and your knees together. Then twist your torso and also swing your head to one side, while pushing against your knee with your hands to help the twisting and get an effective stretch. Then, after holding the position a while, swing your torso back and twist to the other side in the same manner.

- Lay on your back on a cloth at the floor. Swing your legs up so your feet come over your head. Then lift your torso up from the floor so that your body rests upon your shoulders, and straighten your body upwards as much as you feel comfortable. Help the lifting and holding the position with your arms. After having been in that upright position some while, descend your torso and legs again.

The classical description of this exercise prescribes that your body shall point straight up, but that causes your neck to bend unpleasantly and a great pressure in your head. Therefore it is best for most people not to straighten out completely when resting the body on your shoulders.
Yoga explained - Learn The Principles of Yoga exercises


You can find exact descriptions of yoga exercises in books and in web-sites or you can attend courses. You will probably find that the exercises are difficult to do as described in the beginning. It is however possible to do them approximately in the beginning and gradually learn to perform them perfectly.

But you can also compose your own exercises that fit your personal condition and need. To be yoga exercises they must be composed according to the principles outlined above. Weather you learn standard exercises or compose your own, you should however choose a set of exercises that will stretch or twist all your body parts.

By Knut Holt



The Anatomy and Physiology of The Vulva - The Sexual Organ of Girls and Women

By Knut Holt



The vulva begins over the pubic bone and extends between the legs of the woman far back to only a short distance from the rectal opening. In young girls or some women the vulva begins fairly far up at the lowest part of the belly. As the pubic bone grows during maturing, the vulva is often pushed further downwards between the legs.

The parts of the vulva that are most easily seen are the outer genital lips, called the great lips or the Labia majora. Between the upper parts of the lips lies the clitoris, a knob-like structure with a hood like the penile foreskin. Beneath the clitoris and continuous with the clitoral foreskin are the small or inner genital lips, the Labia minora. These surrounds a deepened area called the vaginal vestibule. The urethra opens in the vaginal vestibule and just beneath the urethral opening is the vaginal opening.


The Labia majora join each other at the lower part of the belly, just over the pubic bone and extend backwards between the woman's legs where they also also join each other. The inner lips, the labia minora, vary much in shape and size. They may extend out from the great lips or lie fully within the area of the great lips.

The inside of the genital lips excrete an oily fluid from sebaceous glands, and there are also sweat glands that deliver salty secretions. This fluids blend with fat-rich skin cells rejected from the inner surface of the lips and friendly bacteria to make a whitish substance called sebum. The sebum has a protective and lubricating function.


The urinary opening is situated between the inner lips in the vestibule some distance from the clitoris, sometimes it is placed even at the upper rim of the vaginal opening. At each side of the urethra there is a gland that secrete the same kind of fluid as the male prostate, the paraurethral glands or Skene's glands. The glands tend to empty themselves before and during orgasm and can this way contribute to the phenomenon called female ejaculation.


The vaginal opening lies just below the urethral orifice. In Jung girls it is mostly closed by a thin membrane called the hymen. The hymen will at some time rupture and leave only residuals at the rim of the vaginal opening. The vagina leads up to the womb or uterus.

The inner vaginal wall consists of an epithelium over an elastic connective tissue sheet and around that there is a sheet of muscles. In the walls of the vagina, there are a lot of glands that secrete a lubricating slime. This secretion tend to increase just before and during puberty. It occurs all the time, but increase during sexual excitement.

The vaginal wall do not have much nerves that can recognize sensations but nerve endings controlling the glands an the muscles.

On both sides of the vagina fairly far back there are situated two glands, the Bartholin's glands, that secrete a slime, especially just before the female orgasm. Also this secretion may contribute to female ejaculation.


The clitoris has a hood like the penile foreskin and this hood can be continuous with the minor lips or extend downwards at both sides of the minor lips so that it look like the women has even one more pair of lips. The visible clitoris has the ability to become blood-filled, engorged and erect just like the penis.

It has a set of erectile bodies that do not only lie within the clitoris but extend inside the structures of the vulva, so that the whole vulva has the ability to get blood-filled and engorged.The erectile bodies are a mesh of very elastic blood vessels in a framework of elastic connective tissue.

In the lower part of the clitoris lies the erectile body corpus bulbospongiosus. This body divides itself into two branches, the bulbs of vestibule, that continue as two great bodies at each side of the vaginal vestibule and frame the urethra and vagina, These bodies are partly surrounded by a muscle called the bulbospongiosus muscle.

In the upper part of the clitoris are the erectile bodies corpora cavernosa at both sides that each extends inside as two bodies, called the crura of clitoris or legs of clitoris. These go along the inner rim of the pubic bone under each of the great lips. These bodies are also partly surrounded by a muscle, the ischiocavernosus muscle..

The clitoris has a very rich density of nerve endings through the whole structure. Many of these lies inside small connective tissue bodies that are capable of transmitting and focusing impulses like pressure and vibration towards the nerve endings.


From the clitoris down at both sides of the urethra towards the upper vaginal wall, goes a sensitive structure with a swampy appearance because of a meshwork of blood vessels. This structure can be stimulated from the clitoral side by pressure and vibration or from within the vagina. The part of this structure laying nearest the vaginal wall is often called the G-spot.

When a women has orgasm, sensations in both the clitoris and the whole structure down to the vaginal wall play a role.Sometimes most of the sensations are registered at the clitoris, and the orgasm is then called a clitoral orgasm. Other times most of the sensations are registered in the area over the vaginal wall, and this type of orgasm is called G-spot orgasm or vaginal orgasm.


The clitoris and the central portions of the vulva are innervated by the perineal nerve which is a branch of the pudendal nerve, a nerve that control many important functions in the pelvic region. The peripheral parts of the vulva is controlled by branches from the posterior femoral cutaneus nerves which also controls the surfaces of the thighs. These nerves contain fibers to transmit sensations, fibers to control voluntary muscles in the vulva and parasympathetic fibers that control glands, blood vessels and involuntary muscular functions.

Much of the blood supply to the vulva comes from the internal pudendal artery on both sides. This artery has branches that go towards the labia, towards the clitoral region towards the rectum and other places in the pelvic area.


Knut Holt is an internet marketer and author with a focus on health items and erotism. TO FIND health information, items to improve erotic life and natural drugs, PLEASE VISIT:



UFOs are Secret Aircrafts and Drones with a Long History

By Knut Holt



There is a great cover-up about UFO incidents and everything related, but the reason is something other than people tink.

Those entities are secret governmental drones and aricrafts that are used to surveil both the domestic population and foreign territories. They are operated by both North American governments, the Russian government, the Chinese government and other powerful governments, and allies of these governments are using them also.

They have an alternative shape that makes them suited for lurking around high and low and in every corner of towns and lanscapes. Many of them are propagated by internal fans and jet engines with outlets and inlets for intake of air, propagation force and exhaust.

Some of them are driven by physical principles that are held secret. Even though some of these vehicles are technologically very advanced and hence very expensive, most of them are not any more complicated than ordinary jet planes, only that they have an exotic shape and exotic driving forces.

Some are also driven by nuclear fission energy, and possibly fusion technology held secret for the common population may.

These alternative energy forms were discovered already before the second world war, and were experimented a lot upon up to around 1946 where one had learned to controle them so much that they were practically useful to propel airborne vehicles.

These vehicles have a long history dating back to the 1930es. At that time one was experimenting much with aireal vehicles of any thinkable shape and size, and the first drones were also successfully constructed at that time. The efforts to construct these vehicles were done in parallel with the efforts to make the alternative energy forms useful, and much of the early efforts were done in Germany.

The nazi Germany developed these vehicles a long step, but the nazi regime was not able to mature the constructions wnough to exploit them in the warfare.

After the war, the technology, which was very advanced already, was taken over by both USA, England and the Soviet Union and developed further. Soon these kind of vehicles were secretly set into production and emploid both for scientific research and for surveillance purposes.

Knut Holt



How to Make a Simple and Tasteful Law Calorie Tuna or Chicken Salad

By Knut Holt



This is a receipt for a simple and nutritious salad that you can eat in the morning, in the evening or even as an easy dinner. If you are slimming, this kind of salad gives you the absolute control of the intake of nutrients and calories you need to be successful.

You use these ingredients for one portion that is made in a small bowl and eaten from the same bowl.

- 150-200 g crushed or sliced cooked tuna, or sliced cooked chicken.

- Finely sliced raw broccoli. Only use the outer thin branches with the flowers.

- Finely sliced raw tomato or paprika.

- Finely sliced raw onion.

- You take so much of these vegetables that the bowl is well filled.

- Some finely sliced garlic.

- 2 tablespoon of olive oil.

- A little vinegar if you like it.

- Some cayenne, ginger or other spices you like. Be aware that cayenne has a very strong taste.

- Some salt if the tuna or chicken is not already salted.

You firstly put the tuna into the bowl and blend in the spices and the garlic. Then you slice the vegetables and blend them with the spiced tuna. At last you blend in the olive oil and the vinegar.

You can of course blend in other vegetables, fruit or things like cheese or feta. Be aware that cheese and feta are fat. These two ingredients are also best together with chicken. Some sliced orange or raw blueberries give the salad some sweet and fresh taste that combines very well with the taste of the other ingredients.

As a drink to the salad, you can use pure water or fruit juice without added sugar. You should blend concentrated juice with water to avoid too much sugar. Grape juice fits especially well to this salad.

Cooked tuna or chicken can be bought in every supermarket. But you can of course cook some amount of it yourself beforehand and store it in the freezer to make many salad portions from.

This salad gives you proteins, vitamins, minerals and some healthy fat. But you need some carbohydrates too. You can get that by eating some sliced full corn bread to the salad. Smear some olive oil upon the bread to make it soft. A little honey upon the bread is also tasty. You can also eat some cooked beans, peas or corn to the salad. Do not blend these ingredients into the salad, but you can put them in the same bowl beside the salad.


Knut Holt is a business consultant and marketer focusing on the health field. At his site there is a lot information useful to improve health and fitness, including slimming and exercise advices. You can also find presentation of products to combat common health issues and to improve fitness


This article is free to copy as long as the author's link is present.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Knut_Holt


DAVIDE ICKE - is he a deep state collaborator? Either he is, or he is partly mad or delutional. If you watch carefully his performances, you will detect that they are composed of 3 parts that glide fairly seemlessly over into each other. First he points to some real observations about conspiracies and deep state affairs that every thinking human must agree points to something real. But he never goes very deep in details, so only those not knowing anything before about the real conspiracies have anything to gain from listening.

But from these honest and logical observations he decuces some conclusions that might or might not be true, but need more data to be valid, but the man conclude firmly that it must be so.

And from these still mostly sane moments, he deduce some conlusions that obviously are delusional and insane. Most often he links it all up to an allcompassing conspiracy made by repitial beings from outer space and deep state collaborators with those reptilians, and that the leading politicians and aristocracies are of reptilian origin and also collaborate in this overall conspiracy.

One easily gets the impression that the man has an agenda of linking conspiracy awareness to menal insanity, and thus make the public automatically reject all kind of information about deep state conspiracies and the like.

Furthermore, there will stilll be some in the public that buy all of his narrative and are thus lead astray in their struggle to understand what is going on around them and with them.

Those lead astray will also go around broadcasting the cracy assumptions linked to real conspiracy knowledge and help in making the general public regard conspiracy awareness as something insane.

I conclude that the man is a deep state collaborator, and that he also uses his narratives to earn a lot of proffit.

Knut Holt

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