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Date Posted: 13:50:00 07/07/02 Sun
From the Owner/National Director of Royal Elegance Pageants -- Lisa Watson, 10:27:38 07/07/02 Sun
To everyone who has paid money to the former GA State director of Royal Elegance, Tammie Lindsey, I wanted to update you on what I have decided to do as far as maikng things right with all of you. First off, I am deeply hurt by the damage Tammie has done to our system. I hate myself for trusting her and believing the lies. I hate even more that she lied to you. I have contacted her by e-mail and left messages on her phone to contact me asap, with no responses (really didn't expect one). If Tammie will do the right thing and put on the Jonesboro pageant for you all then, I will allow her to use our name one last time. But , I am not very optomistic that this will happen.
So, after a long discussion with my husband we have decided that after Open State in Sept. , we will come to gA and put on a regionals for everyone. The ones who paid money to Tammie will recieve full credit at my expense. I personally will see to it that you guys get the pageant you expected and alot more. We will offer cash onstage and fees off the upcoming mini-national this winter. I hate to take that long to come, but with NC Regionals and the Open State coming up, I can just not make it any sooner. I hope you understand.
Now, I have to ask that each of you go ahead to the pageant on Sat. expecting it to go on so Tammie cannot say that you didn't come. There will be a lady there to get you names & addresses, phone numbers, e-amil addy's and how much you paid her. I need this information to follow through on what I am promising to do. Without it I can do nothing. I know it is a pain to have to go to a pageant with the prospect that more than likely it will not happen, but it is the only way I see to prove my case and yours against her.
If you paypaled your fees , you may be able to file a complaint for services not provided by Mrs. Lindsey. If you sent a check, get the copy of the check and by all means , take her to court. No one should be treated thsi way and I am ashamed that it was done to you using our good name. I will do everything in my power to make things right with you guys and see to it that you have a wonderful time in Sept. I am looking at the last Sat. in Sept. so please send me feedback if there is a clash with another event that day.
Thank you for putting your trust inme and I look forward to seeing you all in the fall.
Lisa Watson
Royal Elegance Pageants
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