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Subject: ‡+Joining+‡

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Date Posted: 15:45:03 04/01/02 Mon
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I would like to play Jelonna, as the Headwoman at Minerva. I've written a story 'bout her, and the problem is she's been given a queen egg as an 18th Turn birthday present. I don't have her story uploaded as of yet, 'specially since I don't have a website. Can I play her with her flit? Is this allowed? Do I have to post an RP sample or something like that? If I do, here's one:

"Ysuni? How are the eggs?" Jelonna stooped down beside the minute queen, who hummed slightly. Ysuni cocked her head at the bowl in front of the kitchen hearth. None of the eggs would hatch soon. Ysuni chirped reassuringly and hopped on to Jelonna's shoulder. The slender 20 Turn old sighed and stood up. The burden of caring for Seboc Hold didn't show on her, even though her pale skin usually showed emotion. "I can't believe that Minerva asked me to be Headwoman." Jelonna strode over to the fire pit, checking on the drudge that manned it. "Good job, Jilli. The wherry's browning nicely." Jelonna smiled down at the young drudge. Jilli smiled back up at her, the wide grin nearly cutting her face in two. "Me pet queen?" the drudge asked. Ysuni cheeped and settled on Jilli's shoulder briefly. Jilli stroked the golden flit reverantly, before turning back to the spit. Jelonna continued her rounds, making sure that the Lord Holder's supper was progressing nicely. "Headwoman. Of Minerva." Jelonna shook her head. "I don't believe it. I think I shall take it. A change of scenery, and no more of the Sharding snow, will be good for us." Ysuni chirped and sent Jelonna an image of the kitchens. "Who will step into my shoes? Olowiel, of course. Olly adores the kitchens as much as I do. I have taught her everything I know. And I hope that I do know enough to suit you, Ysuni. And Minerva's Weyrwoman." Ysuni whistled, sure that her friend could cook well enough to serve even the Masterharper of Pern. No Weyrwoman had a higher rank then the Masterharper, in the queen's mind. "But I won't be Headwoman in Harper Hall, Ysuni. I'll be in Minerva." Jelonna said lightly at Ysuni's image. Ysuni shrugged as only a flit could. Rubbing her wedge-shaped head on Jelonna's cheek, the queen went between to spread the news that her Bonder would be going to Minerva.

Is there any other type of requirements?

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Approved! Welcome, Jelonna!Minerva11:36:09 04/02/02 Tue

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