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You enter a large clearing. You are a wolf, now it's time to meet everyone else. As you enter, many eyes turn to you. They stare you up and down, searching you for any signs of danger. They see nothing and return to what they were doing. Ahead of you, is a sparkling blue lake. The moon shimmers above it and many wolves swim in it. Many rabbits scurry across the open field and some wolves give chase. As they race away, their howls are heard in the distance. To your left there is a great big tree. Its roots hump out of the ground and its branches hang low, providing shade during the day. It is a very creepy looking tree. Further down the lake, a misty waterfall roars down 100 feet to the rocky bottom below. Many deer cross here during the day, and it is the perfect hunting ground for deer, bull moose, elk and other small things. You decide to hang around for a while and get to know everyone.
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