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Subject: Res pulcra puerorum et pullarum toti Mundi

Pr. Antonius Caesar
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Date Posted: 08:26:30 03/20/14 Thu


RC Models of Cars, Helicopters, Boats, Airplanes, Drones. All types of hobby items, included: Remote controle models of cars, helicopters, airplanes,boates. Chemistry kits, science kits, electronics sets, airsoft guns, building sets and a lot more





Many common spices and vegetables as well as meny more exotic herbs have strong boosting effects on the sexual lust and ability, or can help solve sexual problems, especially if used in combination.

This page contains a short lexicon of these herbs and some products based on combinations of such herbs are presented.

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How to eat to Prevent Cancer
By Knut Holt

A diet with the aim of preventing cancer is generally the same as a diet to prevent heart disease and other diseases. Your general diet should be composed according to the following principles:

- Eat fish at least every second day. Also eat seafood and poultry.

- Eat at least 5 fruits or vegetable servings each day. Each piece should be of the size of an apple or carrot. They should preferably be eaten raw.

- Eat full corn bread, full corn cereals, peas, beans and potatoes.

- Do not eat much red meat.

- Avoid or reduce the amount of food that is industrially processed, artificially made or heavily fried.

- Eat just a moderate amount of fat. Provide that you are not over-weight.

- Ideally most fat you eat, should be of the type mono-unsaturated. You also need some poly-unsaturated fat of the types omega-3 and omega-6, but not too much of omega-6. The consumption of saturated fat should be moderate.

- In order to achieve a right fat balance, much of the fat supply should come from a blending of sources like olive, olive oil, rape oil, flax oil, nuts, nut oil, almonds, sunflower, sunflower oil, fish and fish oil.

- Use only a moderate amount of soy oil and corn oil in the diet. Only using such oil types will give you too much poly-unsaturated fat of the omega-6-type, which will promote cancer growth.

- Use just a very moderate amount of fat sources like butter, coconut oil and palm oil. A high consumption of these fat sources gives you too much saturated fat.

- Avoid altogether fat that has been chemically altered, giving so-called trans-fat. This type of fat is often found in margarine, cookies, snacks, fast food and other pre-made food.

- Consume just a very moderate amount of sugar, refined flour or refined cereals.

- Have just a moderate consumption of alcohol but a certain alcohol consume is good. Some coffee or tea is good to drink each day.

- Use just a moderate amount of salt in the food. However, in warm weather and by hard physical work, you will need more salt.


Some specific foods or beverages seem to protect well against cancer, and some of these should be in your daily diet.

- Generally plants, fruits and spices with a strong colour or a strong taste have cancer preventing effects because of the contents of bioflavonoids and other anti-oxidants.

- Kale, chia seeds, flax, turmenic, broccoli, cabbage, mustard, red pepper and cauliflower are plant materials with proven strong cancer preventing effects.

- Evidence points to the conclusion that green tea can help prevent cancer. Some studies have indicated that drinking coffee reduces the incidence of cancer. Red wine seems to be a good cancer preventive remedy.


A high enough consume of vitamins and minerals is essential for the ability of the body to protect itself against the development of cancers. Especially seems vitamin D to be an important factor. But a too high vitamin supply can give the opposite result for some cancer types. If you manage to follow the advices depicted above, you will not need much extra vitamin and mineral supply for this specific purpose.

Some evidence seem to indicate that a high consume of milk and diary products, and other products with a high calcium content, can promote prostate cancer and ovarian cancer, but it can on the other hand protect against bowel cancer. This gives a dilemma. But evidence also seems to indicate that enough vitamin D hinders this negative effect of diary products. In either case it does not seem to be a good idea to totally stop using diary products, since you also need a good calcium supply for other reasons.


Knut Holt is an internet marketer interested in the health field. For natural products against edema, hemorrhoids, poor memory and concentration, hypothyroidism, over-weight, congested heart, acne, diabetes, UTI, yeast infection, insomnia, and for products for other problems in the muscles, joints, windpipe, stomach, nervous system, circulation and hormonal system, please see his web-site. Also male and female sex products.



About Weight Loss Surgery or Bariatric Surgery

Surgery to achieve weight loss is only done when diet, exercize and medications have not given the wanted result after long time and the person has so much excessive fat that it threatens the life, or makes him severely handicapped.

Candidates or this type of surgery must according to traditional criteria eithr have a BMI (body mass index) of 40 when tghe obesity do not yet have created serious complications. If the obesity allready gives complication, surgry will often be done with a BMI of 35 or more. There is however a movement to perform this type of surgery for patients with a BMI down to 30.

Such sururgery works by restricting physically the amount of nutrients taken up from the intestines, which can be done either by hindering the patient to consume as much food as before or by hindering much of the nutrients taken in by mouth from being taken up from the digestive tract. This can be done by sseveral methods:


By this method an adjustable ring is mounted around the upper part of the stomach ventricle that restricts the passage of food. The surgery is easy to perform, is usually done with a minimally invasive approach through small holes, can be reversed and requires short hospital stay.

After the surgery the patient is able to eat only slowly so that the total amount eaten each day diminishes greatly. The slow rate of food intake also gives hormons signalling satiety time to work before the stomach is full.


By this method one cuts away a great portion of the stomach ventricle from that part where the esophagus hoes in and the small intestine goes out. This part ois sewn togeather so that it resembles a tube. The part cut loose, is usualy taken out.

After the surgery the patient will be able only to eat small meals, but he also must eat some more meals a day than before. The small intestine will however keep its full capacity to take up nutrients.


By this method one separates the upper part of the stomach ventricle from the rest of the stomach. This upper parte is then connected into the samall intestine a long way further down. This creates an Y-structure. One arm of the Y goes up to the stomach ventricle. No food will pass through this arm, but the secretes from the liver will be delivered through it down to the rest of the small intestine. The other arm of the structure is the connection up to the upper stomach part and esophagus.

After this most of the ventricle and the upper portion of the small intestine will stay separated from the rest of the digestive tract, but can be reconnected again if wanted.

After this surgery, the patient will only have a small ventricle volume he can fill during meals and the space for uptake of nutrients will also be reduced.


Since the digestive system has less ability to take up nutrients after these types of surgery, the patient must live on a diet rich in protein, vitamins and minerals. He must take an extra supply of vitamins and minerals, and especially vitamin B12. He must also eat more often each day to get the amount of food and water he needs.


The changes in the stomach ventricle will of cource be uncomfortable to the patient, because he cannot eat so much as before. There is also the danger that he will be able to eat only too little, othat he looses more weight than wanted.

The manipulations of the small intestine have the advantage that the patient can eat as before. However, it can cause too less of vital nutrients to be absorbed, like minerals and vitamins. The absorbtion capacity can also get so low that he looses too much weight. By hard physical activity in warm weather, the patient can also get severely dehydrated because he absobes too little of the fluid he consumes.

The patient can also get into the situation that he must eat unplesantly great amount of food to get all the nutrients needed.


Knut Holt is a business consultant and marketer focusing on the health field. At his site there are more information about health and fitness. You can also find presentation of products to improve health, and of products in the categories hobby, automotive and apparel.


This article is free to copy as long as the author's link is present.

Knut Holt is a business consultant and marketer focusing on the health field. At his site there are more information about health and fitness. You can also find presentation of products to improve health, and of products in the categories hobby, automotive and apparel.



About the Vulva - the Female Sexual Organ

The vulva begins over the pubic bone and extends between the legs of the woman far back to only a short distance from the rectal opening. In young girls or some women the vulva begins fairly far up at the lowest part of the belly. As the pubic bone grows during maturing, the vulva is often pushed further downwards between the legs.

The parts of the vulva that are most easily seen are the outer genital lips, called the great lips or the Labia majora. Between the upper parts of the lips lies the clitoris, a knob-like structure with a hood like the penile foreskin. Beneath the clitoris and continuous with the clitoral foreskin are the small or inner genital lips, the Labia minora. These surrounds a deepened area called the vaginal vestibule. The urethra opens in the vaginal vestibule and just beneath the urethral opening is the vaginal opening.


The Labia majora join each other at the lower part of the belly, just over the pubic bone and extend backwards between the woman's legs where they also also join each other. The inner lips, the labia minora, vary much in shape and size. They may extend out from the great lips or lie fully within the area of the great lips.

The inside of the genital lips excrete an oily fluid from sebaceous glands, and there are also sweat glands that deliver salty secretions. This fluids blend with fat-rich skin cells rejected from the inner surface of the lips and friendly bacteria to make a whitish substance called sebum. The sebum has a protective and lubricating function.


The urinary opening is situated between the inner lips in the vestibule some distance from the clitoris, sometimes it is placed even at the upper rim of the vaginal opening. At each side of the urethra there is a gland that secrete the same kind of fluid as the male prostate, the paraurethral glands or Skene's glands. The glands tend to empty themselves before and during orgasm and can this way contribute to the phenomenon called female ejaculation.


The vaginal opening lies just below the urethral orifice. In Jung girls it is mostly closed by a thin membrane called the hymen. The hymen will at some time rupture and leave only residuals at the rim of the vaginal opening. The vagina leads up to the womb or uterus.

The inner vaginal wall consists of an epithelium over an elastic connective tissue sheet and around that there is a sheet of muscles. In the walls of the vagina, there are a lot of glands that secrete a lubricating slime. This secretion tend to increase just before and during puberty. It occurs all the time, but increase during sexual excitement.

The vaginal wall do not have much nerves that can recognize sensations but nerve endings controlling the glands an the muscles.

On both sides of the vagina fairly far back there are situated two glands, the Bartholin's glands, that secrete a slime, especially just before the female orgasm. Also this secretion may contribute to female ejaculation.


The clitoris has a hood like the penile foreskin and this hood can be continuous with the minor lips or extend downwards at both sides of the minor lips so that it look like the women has even one more pair of lips. The visible clitoris has the ability to become blood-filled, engorged and erect just like the penis.

It has a set of erectile bodies that do not only lie within the clitoris but extend inside the structures of the vulva, so that the whole vulva has the ability to get blood-filled and engorged.The erectile bodies are a mesh of very elastic blood vessels in a framework of elastic connective tissue.

In the lower part of the clitoris lies the erectile body corpus bulbospongiosus. This body divides itself into two branches, the bulbs of vestibule, that continue as two great bodies at each side of the vaginal vestibule and frame the urethra and vagina, These bodies are partly surrounded by a muscle called the bulbospongiosus muscle.

In the upper part of the clitoris are the erectile bodies corpora cavernosa at both sides that each extends inside as two bodies, called the crura of clitoris or legs of clitoris. These go along the inner rim of the pubic bone under each of the great lips. These bodies are also partly surrounded by a muscle, the ischiocavernosus muscle..

The clitoris has a very rich density of nerve endings through the whole structure. Many of these lies inside small connective tissue bodies that are capable of transmitting and focusing impulses like pressure and vibration towards the nerve endings.


From the clitoris down at both sides of the urethra towards the upper vaginal wall, goes a sensitive structure with a swampy appearance because of a meshwork of blood vessels. This structure can be stimulated from the clitoral side by pressure and vibration or from within the vagina. The part of this structure laying nearest the vaginal wall is often called the G-spot.

When a women has orgasm, sensations in both the clitoris and the whole structure down to the vaginal wall play a role.Sometimes most of the sensations are registered at the clitoris, and the orgasm is then called a clitoral orgasm. Other times most of the sensations are registered in the area over the vaginal wall, and this type of orgasm is called G-spot orgasm or vaginal orgasm.


The clitoris and the central portions of the vulva are innervated by the perineal nerve which is a branch of the pudendal nerve, a nerve that control many important functions in the pelvic region. The peripheral parts of the vulva is controlled by branches from the posterior femoral cutaneus nerves which also controls the surfaces of the thighs. These nerves contain fibers to transmit sensations, fibers to control voluntary muscles in the vulva and parasympathetic fibers that control glands, blood vessels and involuntary muscular functions.

Much of the blood supply to the vulva comes from the internal pudendal artery on both sides. This artery has branches that go towards the labia, towards the clitoral region towards the rectum and other places in the pelvic area.


Knut Holt is an internet marketer and author with a focus on health items and erotism. TO FIND health information, items to improve erotic life and natural drugs, PLEASE VISIT:


Products against: Sexual problems, UTI, yeast infection, over-weight, cold, flu, allergies, acne, edema, hypothyroidism, depression, hemorrhoids, heart and circulatory problems, digestive ailments, rheumatism and more.

Source: http://mintarticles.com/read/sexuality-articles/about-the-vulva-the-female-sexual-organ,3964/


A Complete Program to Get Strong and Fit

By this 4-day program you can develop and maintain strong muscles, a nice body, good condition, good flexibility and a good mental health.The author himself has used this program in several years with successful results. In this program you exercise in a different way each of 4 consecutive days. You repeat this program continually, but more powerful each time. You train 30 - 90 minutes each day.

If you are not used to training, you start out easily and you gradually increase the use of muscular power and work intensity as your total fitness develops. The program comprises exercises for all parts of you. If you are uncertain of how to to do the individual exercises from the short description, you can easily find more detailed descriptions on the Internet or in books.

The presented program is however constructed in such that the buttocks and the backside of the thighs will get somewhat more attention than other muscles in the body, because these muscle groups play a great role for a handsome body shape, and because they tend to be underdeveloped for most persons.

It is important to warm up in the beginning of each session. The customary way of doing this is to run or cycle some minutes. It is probably better to warm up by doing the same exercises as in the rest of the session but with light power and steadily work heavier during the whole session.


This is a day for muscle building, with moderate weights, but with many repetitions so that you feel tired in your muscles after each series. The exercises this day are only done with the help of your own body weight, a couple of manuals and a chair. Therefore they can easily be done at home.

You repeat the following sequence at 5 - 8 times. Begin by using light weights to warm up and add weight each time you go through the series until you do the last two times with 65% of the weight you can manage. Each exercise in the series contains 10 - 15 repetitions depending on the exercise. If you feel this is too much or too little for you, you can adjust the number of repetitions:

A - Lifts of your lower body with the help of your legs - 10 repetitions: You lie at your back, flex your knees up and place your feet at the floor. Then lift up your lower body as high as possible by pushing with your legs. You can increase the intensity by laying some weight upon your stomach. Have some thick cloth between your stomach and the weight. You can also increase the intensity by only pushing with one leg and having one leg stretched out and then doing the other leg.

B - Curls with your arms using manuals - 15 repetitions: You can stand or sit. Hold your elbows at the sides of your torso. Then curl up your arms with a manual in each hand.

C - Squats - 15 repetitions: Stand straight and squat as deep as you can by flexing your knees: Do the squats with both legs without weights for low intensity, with one leg at a time or with manuals in each hand for higher intensity.

D - Lifting your body with your arms - 10 repetitions: Sit with your knees flexed up and with your hands towards the floor at hour sides. Push down against the floor with your arms so that you lift your body. For moderate strain, let your feet be on the floor, for harder strain let your feet follow your body up when lifted.

E - Pushups - 10 repetitions: Hold yourself horizontally with your front side down. Push yourself up and down with your arms. By letting your knees touch the floor, the work gets light, but with only your toes and hands touching you must use more power.

F - Leg curls using a chair - 10 repetitions: You lay on your back, have your legs lifted and your knees bent in a right angle. Place your heels upon a chair seat. Then lift your torso up by pressing with your heels towards the chair seat. For greater intensity use only one leg at a time.

G - Stomach curls - 15 repetitions: Lie down at your back and lift your upper body, while having your lower back on the floor. While doing this you can let your legs lie along the floor or have them flexed up.

H - Lifting of weights over your head - 10 repetitions: You stand straight. You lift two manuals or a weight bar from the height of your ears so high that your arm reaches.

Between each round you take a pause to stretch out a little all the body parts where you feel most tired. When all rounds are done you should stretch out some minutes all the parts of your body.


This is a day for condition training. The best condition training are outside activities like running, cycling, swimming or skiing. Ball play also gives good condition.

For smooth activities like running, cycling and swimming there are two basic approaches and you should try to vary between these approaches from time to time.

One approach is one long session where you some while act with law intensity to warm up, then gradually increase the intensity to the maximum, and slow down again at the end.

The other way is interval training where you begin with a couple of short rounds with moderate activity. Then you have 5-10 rounds with high intensity.

For more staccato activities, like ball play, you should first warm up a while with easy running. Then you go into play with your mates.

When the active training is done, you should stretch out some minutes all the parts of your body.


The exercises this day are mostly the same as those of the first day, but with heavier weights and fewer repetitions. These exercises are best done in a gym studio, but you can do them at home with some adjustments.

You repeat the following series 7 - 10 times. Begin by using light weights to warm up and add weight at each time you do the series until you do the last two times with 90% of the weight you can manage:

A - Leg pushes in halfway laying position - 8 repetitions: You push with your legs against resistance in a partly lying-sitting position. Gym studios usually have equipment for this type of exercise.

B - Arm curls - 8 repetitions: You sit or stand. Your elbows should be at the side of your body or lay at some firm point in front of your breast. You hold two manuals or a weight bar and curl up your arms while lifting the weight.

C - Squats - 8 repetitions: For easy warming up or if you are untrained, you can do them just without carrying extra weight. To make the squats harder, you can carry manuals in your hand, use a weight bar on your shoulders, or do them with one leg at a time.

D - Lat pulldowns - downpulls with your arms - 8 repetitions: Gym studios usually have some equipment for pulldowns. As an alternative to pulldowns you can sit with your knees flexed up and push down against the floor so that you lift your body.

E - Hyperextensions - 8 repetitions: In this exercise you use your back and buttock muscles to lift your torso up from a hanging position. By holding some weight with your arms, you will make the exercise heavier and also train your shoulders and upper back.

F - Leg curls - 8 repetitions: Leg curls will train the back side of your legs. They can be done in sitting position or laying on your stomach dependent on the equipment you have available.

G - Stomach curls - 8 repetitions: You sit and curl your torso forward against resistance using some equipment for this purpose in the gym studio. Another way is laying on your back with your legs pointing upwards and then curl up while pointing your fingers towards your toes, and if possible touch your toes with your fingers.

H - Lifting of weights over your head - 8 repetitions: This exercise is good for your upper arms and your shoulders. You can lift manuals or a weight bar.

Between each round you take a pause to stretch out a little all the body parts where you feel most tired. When all rounds are done you should stretch out some minutes all the parts of your body.


At this day you rest form hard training, but stretch out, relax, do some meditation and stress down. Here are the principles for the stretching exercises you do this day:

- You should stretch out al parts of your body. When stretching out, you should bend or twist in all the natural movement directions and angles for each body part.

- It is good to begin the stretching session with some active exercises with moderate stretching effect to make your muscles and joints warm. You swing, bend, twist and roll with your arms, legs, shoulders, torso and pelvic region so that every movement gives a moderate stretching effect.

- Then you do slow exercises with a stronger stretching effect. You swing, bend or twist each limb and your torso until you feel resistance and a little more so that you feel the stretch, and then hold the stretch in 30-50 seconds. You can make this stretching even more effective by doing it together with a friend and helping each other. Repeat each stretch at least 3 times with a pause between.

- When beginning a slow stretch you begin by emptying your lungs completely for air, and then breath deeply in when you go into the stretch. When holding the stretch you breath effectively, but in a calm manner. In this way the exercise will also benefit your chest wall, lungs and diaphragm.

As slow stretching exercises you can also use yoga exercises. You can find descriptions of many exact stretching exercises in specific books or websites. But you can also use your creativity and compose exercises that specifically fit you, as long as you use the principles listed above, and you can also improvise during each session.

At this day you must also do something to get complete relaxations mentally and physically. Yoga also has methods for body relaxation. Meditation is a good relaxation method both for the mind and body.


Knut Holt is a business consultant and marketer focusing on the health field. At his site there are more information about health and fitness. You can also find presentation of products to improve health, and of products in the categories hobby, automotive and apparel.


This article is free to copy as long as the author's link is present.

Knut Holt is a business consultant and marketer focusing on the health field. At his site there are more information about health and fitness. You can also find presentation of products to improve health, and of products in the categories hobby, automotive and apparel.



Taking the Flu Vaccine of the Season, Yes or No?
By Knut Holt

Every year one or more epidermis of influenza appear, often of new types, and usually one is offered a vaccine to prevent against the flu of the season. Here are some moments to consider before taking it.

Influenza is a contagious infection that affects the respiratory system like a cold, but also the rest of the body with symptoms like fever, fatigue, nausea, chills and aches in limbs and joints. It typically last form 7-14 days. It is usually mild, but can get serious and even deadly. The influenza virus is steadily changing, so new types of the disease often occur. The new type emerge in one part of the globe, very often in the east, and spread within months to the whole world.

There is no real good treatment for flu, but each year one is usually offered a vaccine that protects against the most prominent versions of the disease. A new type of vaccine is constructed for each new epidemic. In most countries one tries to get enough amount of vaccines ready for the beginning of the flu season in that country, in America at the beginning of October.

The vaccine is produces as shots that contains dead virus, and as nasal spray that is based on live weakened virus. People is usually unconditionally advised to take the vaccine of the season in America. Im European countries one usually advices only special exposed groups to take the vaccine. The choice to take it is however not so easy, though. Here are some things to consider before accepting the vaccine.

Firstly the vaccine costs money, in some communities more than in others. This cost is usually not a big moment, but should be taken into consideration.

Even without vaccine, most people in a population really does not get sick, so in most cases the money is spoiled, and when old types reoccur, only few get sick.

The vaccine is not totally effective. Studies made at specific epidermis has shown that it is was 61% effective or less in preventing a case, depending on type of virus. Perhaps it still lessened the symptoms and duration in many cases that occurred despite the vaccine. Since it is made new for each season, the real effectiveness is also not well known when used, since it is not time for thorough tests. The vaccine also loses most of its effectiveness at late stages of the season.

The vaccine will give side effects in virtually all cases, even though some of the side effects often not called so. Most people that take the shot get irritation round the place where the shot was set, usually redness, pain and swelling that last up 48 hours. Sometimes, however, the shot gives more serious inflammatory reaction that causes great difficulty of using the limb several days.

People that take the nasal spray will at least get some mild flu symptoms a couple of days, but it can last much longer. This reaction is actually a mild influenza infection.

Not seldom will the shot give general reactions in the body that are not an influenza reaction, but still gives much of the same symptoms as a flu, like aches and fever 24-48 hours after the vaccine.

A certain percentage experience that these symptoms last some days and get as bad as a real flu. In a few cases the influenza-like reactions get serious and life-threatening, and each season a few people actually die from the side effects of the vaccine.

The vaccine usually contains substances that are known to be toxic or to cause serious allergic or auto-immune reaction. The purpose of these substances is partly to inactivate the virus, and partly to enhance the immune reaction from the body against the inactivated virus that the vaccine contains. Repeated doses of the vaccines may cause negative long term effects.

One such substance is mercury. Generally one avoid using mercury in modern vaccines, but it is still often used in vaccines against flu. Flu vaccines are for example strongly suspected to cause narcolepsy in some persons.

Since there never will be enough time to test the vaccine thoroughly, one never knows how serious the complications of the vaccine will be when it is applied for real.

Regarding the decision if one shall take the vaccine for the seasonal flu, one could think in the following manner. The general stance should be not to accept the vaccine for yourself or your children. If however some or more of the following aspects occur, the reason for taking the shot gets greater:

- One has a weak health condition so that an infection is likely to get serious.
- From experience you know that you get the flu every season without vaccine.
- One has experienced before that a flu episode gives serious symptoms.
- The flu of the season has shown to be particularly serious.
- If you have narrowed arteries, the vaccine can possibly reduce the risk of getting a heart attack triggered by influenza.
- A break from the job will cost a considerable amount of money.
- You have people around you at the job or in the family that you expect will be seriously affected by the flu if they get the virus from you.

In each season there uses to be several epidermis, some old types recurring, and often a totally new type. Usually all prevalent strains of the virus is included in the vaccine so that you get a certain protection for several types if you choose to accept the vaccine.


Knut Holt is an internet marketer interested in the health field. For natural products against edema, hemorrhoids, poor memory and concentration, hypothyroidism, over-weight, congested heart, acne, diabetes, UTI, yeast infection, insomnia, and for products for other problems in the muscles, joints, windpipe, stomach, nervous system, circulation and hormonal system, please see his web-site. Also products to improve the satisfaction of the sexual life.



Knut Holt is an internet marketer interested in the health and fitness fields. To find more information to improve health and fitness, including information against cold, flu and other infections, please see his web-site. There are also some interesting products presented.


The 09/11 Event and the Factors Causing this Event
By Knut Holt

There are two facts one can be sure of regarding the event.

- World Trade Center was hit by two planes conducted by brainwashed religious fanatics. The organization organizing these lunatics and having trained them is a genuine religious organization led by religious lunatics up to some level. At the highest level that organization are led by cynical people aimoing for global power and proffit. also called AlQuaida.

- The towers and building number 7 did not collapse due to the impact, or the ordinary fire caused by the impact, but due to explotions or heat generated by some installed internal equipment activated after the impact.

It also seems that the fanatics were allowed to do this job by authorities that already knew it would happen, and that these authorities used the opportunity to create a horrible catastrophe that then could be used to gain political power and proffit.

An importen question is if this AlQuaida is led at an even higher level by some worldwide conspiracy, and that the event was orchestrated in all its detailles by a common leadership.

That the fall of the buildings was caused by some internal techical equipment that released energy in a controlled fashion, can be concluded from the following facts:

- The impact from the aircrafts were not a cymmetrical impact, and a collapse due to the impact would be highly uncymmetrical the towers woild fall more or less towards one side. That did not happen.

- The collapse of the buildings was totally cymmetrical, as when a high buildoing is thorn down by strategically placed explosives.

- Building number 7 was not hit at all, and should not fall down, but ony collapse partially and uncymmetrically. Still it fell down several hours later and totally cymetrically.

- Molten iron was found in the wreckage of the buildings. Fires from burning oil-based fuel and office material do tot give high enough temperature to melt iron.


Knut Holt is an internet marketer interested in the health field. For natural products against edema, hemorrhoids, poor memory and concentration, hypothyroidism, over-weight, congested heart, acne, diabetes, UTI, yeast infection, insomnia, and for products for other problems in the muscles, joints, windpipe, stomach, nervous system, circulation and hormonal system, please see his web-site. Also male and female sex products. Also more information about health, sex, training and fitness.


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