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Date Posted: 21:37:03 05/31/02 Fri
Author: Faerydust
Subject: watchful in calm panic
In reply to: Moose 's message, "Wishes for tears." on 13:24:09 05/31/02 Fri

Faery lifts her head, neat little ears perked, wondering if possibly, possibly, that her dearest friends still wanted her, though she had tried to run away...A bright pair of ice blue eyes watched them, still frozen in that awful panic, longing to get to know her newest acquantance, Moose, and wishing for Risea's calm shadow of protection over her. A little whine crept up in her tight throat, inching forward on her stomach, soft belly fur brushing the spring melt under her. Then, realization surged through her, no, her friends would forgive her moment of weakness, when she had let her nightmare memories come back and take over...the silver bullet streaked back to her friends, entire being wagging furiously, head down and tilted to look up at them, pink tongue peeking out of an open mouth, tail tucked respectfully, begging forgiveness with a light heart.

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