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Subject: '95 Ford Windstar Transmission Problems

Greg H.
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Date Posted: 19:30:08 09/28/03 Sun

Hope someone here can help me.

We had gone down to my inlaws house to pick up
some furniture they had given us (Refrig, Mattress,
etc). We were towing one of those small open U-Haul
trailers and encountered some trouble on the
way home. We had driven 295 out of 300 miles,
when all of a sudden I noticed smoke out my
back window. At first I thought I was just
seeing things and that maybe it was just smog
but after another mile the smoke got THICK.

I immediately pulled over and smoke was billowing
from beneath Windstar's engine. I decided to let
the engine cool for about 15 minutes and then
check the oil (fine) and the transmission level
(not fine...did not register). I then noticed
that there was fluid all over the back of the
Windstar (carried there by the smoke I guess)
and fluid on the furniture in the trailer and
small pools of fluid on the ground.

Anyway, I called for my daughter to bring me some
Transmission fluid and I put in a quart. I then
started up the van and put it into drive. The engine
rev'd but but would only move forward at
about 5mph. I then pulled over again, unhooked the
trailer and we put in another quart of fluid. This
time the van moved forward, but sputtered and did not
want to go over 30mph. It also jerks and gears up and
down and otherwise does not run well. After the second quart, the stick showed it on the low line but manageable.

Was this just a case of overloading the engine
with the trailer, air conditioning, long trip,
and I should keep an eye on the fluid level before
attempting to drive it tomorrow or do I have a bigger problem?

I would appreciate anybody's opinion or advice.

Greg in Sacramento.

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