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Subject: 97 Tbird LX Issues

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Date Posted: 16:27:35 12/13/03 Sat

Ok, basically I was driving down the road, stopped somewhere, got out, got back in after about 35 minutes and the turning signals were no longer functional.


Neither the front nor rear turning signals work. This includes the flashers in the dashboard. There is no clicking either like there was before for the turning signals.

All brake, fog, head lights, brights , etc work.

Interior lights work with the exception of the door panel lights -- red ones near bottom left of door if you're facing the inside of the door.

Door open indicator remains on even when all doors and the trunk are closed (hood too).

Someone suggested the switch in the steering area went bad. I'm not sure exactly how to replace it. Someone also suggested perhaps the relays for the switches were gone. Is there somewhere that I can find some information on fixing this one myself, and the tools necessary? I have some experience with general electrical wiring and electronics -- I am a computer tech/server admin. The stuff under that dash board is all greek to me though ;p. A diagram of the area containing the switches would be great. Heh, I'm kinda worried about triggering the airbag. While I like a balloon every now and then I'd rather not have one go off in my face. Would removing the battery cables prevent the airbag from going off? Also should I do it anyways when working on car electronics?

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Subject Author Date
Re: 97 Tbird LX IssuesJerry19:10:54 01/23/04 Fri

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