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Subject: 91 Buick Century engine prob.

Ross M
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Date Posted: 21:36:10 01/26/03 Sun

Hello Everyone,
I am new to this group. I am wanting to see if anyone has any ideas as to what may be the cause of my problems with my car. Its a 91 Buick Century with a 3300 V6. It always sits out side and the other night it was very cold (-10 degrees approx) and the next day the car wouldn't start. The car had ran fine the day before and always starts. The battery had been weak for a while so I got a new one but still nothing. As I was checking things over I noticed that the coolant in the radiator was down approx. half an inch from where it normally is. I tried to start the car several more time and still nothing. I rechecked the radiator again and the level was way down. There was no coolant on the ground, but I did notice some dripping out from between the rear cylinder head and block. There was a small puddle by the rear of the engine. The question is, could the head gasket have corroded over time and "broke" arround a coolant passage? Could the block or head have cracked? The coolant was replaced this summer and should have been OK. Also, when I turned the ignition off the fuel pump acted like it was still pressureing up. I could hear it for several seconds after I turned the ignition off. Its never done that until this problem. Any ideas on these would be great! Thanks for your help!!

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Re: 91 Buick Century engine prob.Marc07:18:27 03/25/03 Tue

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