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Subject: Re: 95 monte carlo, erratic idle

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Date Posted: 12:33:07 07/02/03 Wed
In reply to: Steve 's message, "Re: 95 monte carlo, erratic idle" on 05:14:01 03/29/03 Sat

I have a 97 monte carlo z34 with 103,000 miles. The problem you are all experiencing is the upper and lower intake manifild gaskets. The reason that the car revs high and low repeatedly is becasue of a vacuum leak. The enginge is trying to compensate for the lost vacuum by sucing in more air. Look at the gasket that connects the plenum to the mass airflow sensor. There are a few bolts. Peen a new gasket and then use some blue silicone that can withstand the heat. Make sure you put enough silicone to seal it. I suggest putting some on your finger and smearing it all around on both sides for maximum sealage. Do the same procedure for the lower intake manifold. This should solve the problem.>>>>Have a 1995 Monte Carlo Z34 w/3.4 l.(110,000km)
>>>>car is started engine revs up high then down to
>>>>stalling, then repeats again until car is warm.
>>>>Usually happen when weather is cooler (fall till
>>>>spring).I've taken it to shops and they cleaned the
>>>>throttle bore which helped for a little while and
>>>>IAC motor was replaced. Is this a vacuumn leak, or
>>>>sensor? Can you help
>>>I've got exactly the same issue with my 95 Z34. Did
>>>you ever find a fix?
>>I've also experienced this problem any help would be
>I have a 1995 Monte Carlo Z34 with 91K miles. I had
>the exact problem you described and I tried
>everything. I replaced the Mass Airflow Sens,new wires
>and plus, cleaned out the whole fuel system.. nothing.
>I then read somewhere on another Monte Carlo site that
>the problem was the upper and lower intake manifold
>gaskets! I figured what the heck so I had the upper
>and lower intake manifold gaskets replaced which
>corrected the problem.
>Suppossedly, the 3.4 DOHC GM engines are notoriously
>known for this problem. I now have smooth starts no
>matter how cold it is. The car also has much better

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Subject Author Date
96 monte carlo z34 idle surges and the car dies after hard accelaration.Roger11:24:05 07/18/03 Fri
Re: 95 monte carlo, erratic idleWinfield Cohen22:54:08 10/27/03 Mon

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