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Subject: Track For You (OEMarch-2278)

S.M. Raheel Zaki
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Date Posted: 12:34:20 04/08/09 Wed

Reward yourself regularly, (don't use food as a reward) buy a new

outfit, get a new hair style, even if it's just a grin of approval in

the mirror. Don't weigh yourself every day. Instead, get on the weight

scales once a week to avoid discouragement.
Instead of obsessing over your weight, keep track of your waist

measurement, body fat percentage or clothing size. Have 2 pieces of

clothing to help you track your progress. ! that's way too tight and

one that fits perfectly at the start of your diet. Try them on every 4

weeks. Create a small graph like the one below with one line that

shows your weekly target progress and the other that shows your actual

progress. Make your target progress very realistic, say 1lb a week so

that you can easily exceed it and keep highly motivated.. visit:


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