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Date Posted: 13:31:50 03/20/02 Wed
Author: Brynn
Subject: Lightly Grins
In reply to: Varda 's message, "Re: Entry" on 12:41:51 03/20/02 Wed

Finding the correct grains for making some nice rolls, she stacks the ingredients on the table with a smile at Varda and Auriga. "Well, actually, if one of you two know how to make rolls, you can get a start on them. I thought I saw a baking tray in that cupboard," she gestures over to the right by the cold storage room. "I, in turn, will see what I can do with this meat. Oh and Varda? It's really no problem. Like I said before, I've spent most of my life in a kitchen and enjoy cooking," she says, smiling to herself lightly.

She then browses through the cupboards until she finds a spit for the meat and leaves it on the table. Nosing through a few more drawers, she finds some spices and herbs that would add succulent flavour to the herdbeast. Hearing the water she had put to boil start bubbling over, she quickly grabs the grasses from before and tosses them in, moving the pot a little away from the flames so that they are simmered rather then boiled. That taken care of, she looks to the meat, now thawed enough for her to put on the spit.

Humming lightly to herself, she impales the cuts on the spit, then sets it aside for the time being. Her attention becomes focused on the herbs, and before she gets involved in making a herb paste, she's reminded of the white roots she'd seen in the storage room. "Varda? Auriga? Could one of you perhaps fetch some roots from the storage room and put them in a clay pot to bake? There's still some wood over here if you need to start up one of the hearths," she says, then suddenly glances up with an embaressed smile. "Sorry if I sound demanding...it's just how I get when I'm baking," she says, her smile becoming less embarassed and more apologetic.

That stated, she turns her attention back to the herb paste she intends to make. Finding a small bowl among others in a cabinet as well as a ladle, she scoops some of the water from the simmering grasses and puts it in the bowl, then returns to her workstation. Browsing through her selected herbs and sniffing each container for freshness, she selects a few and sets the others aside. She adds the herbs to the water in the bowl as well as a bit of flour to add thickness to the mixture. Discovering a wooden spoon hanging on the wall, she snatches it off and stirs the mixture for a good few minutes, then smells deeply of it.

The smell alone making her mouth water, she procedes to brush it onto the cuts of meat, then sets aside the bowl, now empty. Carefully, she picks up the spit with both hands and eases it into the grooves cut into the walls on either side of the hearth. She then takes hold of the spit's handle and begins slowly rotating it, looking over at the other two. "How're you making out?" she inquires, smiling.

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