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Date Posted: 18:54:59 09/01/02 Sun
Author: .celes and kier.
Subject: .really.
In reply to: Kieran 's message, "Light nod" on 18:02:47 09/01/02 Sun

Kier chirped slightly at Celes's elbow. Cocking her head slightly, Kier swooped up to her shoulder and chittered into her ear. Celes scowled slightly. "I suppose." She shrugged the shoulder Kier was resting on. The blue hovered in midair before blinking into between. Celes's mind wandered for a few seconds as she watched him go. Should she write to her mother? Let her know she was safe? Her mother, after all, was the one who had actually kept her safe and invented her whole charade. But, then again, her mother had never dreamed it would be this complicated. Celes scowled, forgetting that Jelonna and Kieran could see her facial expressions. She was used to being on her own. Well, she would never totally be on her own now that she had Kier and Bao and Ghanos. She probably could convince Bao and Ghanos to leave, but never Kier. And besides, if she wanted a reminder of the Weyr, Kier would serve a double purpose. He would at least remind her of the one friend she might've had if she stayed.
I thought you had decided not to give up. A voice in the back of her mind argued.
But that was before I started to communicate. Celes tried to argue back, but knew she had no real ground to stand on. Anyway, she didn't have anywhere to go. And she didn't want to find someplace new. It would only be more lies, and Celes was plain tired of them. Celes's scowl deepened slightly. Life was plain too confusing for her to figure out...

Celes wondered vaguely when the eggs would Hatch, even though they'd just been lain. After the Hatching, depending on whether she Impressed or not, she would leave. Anyway, she couldn't judge the Weyr's reaction to her secret. Celes nearly shuddered as she recalled the time when her secret had almost leaked out. She hadn't been aware someone could be kicked out of a Hold that fast...

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