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Date Posted: 12:03:40 03/21/02 Thu
Author: Willmina & W'menel/ N'gal
Subject: Dinner time?

Three riders came into the Dining Hall and knew right away that the kitchen was buzzing with activity. The smells as well were enough to get their stomachs growling like a dragon's.
Willmina smiled at N'gal, the new bluerider.
"Our Candidates are no slouches in the kitchen. I know that you'll have a full belly once they get done feeding you."

N'gal smiled and nodded back. Already he was feeling a lot more comfortable. Adirath and he had already got a fine room for themselves that nobody 'told' them not to take because so and so..
He put a stop to that thought. These folks were nowhere near as rude as the small Weyr he'd come from.
He only wished his late-partner were here to share the kindness with him.

"Has your Adirath settled in well?"

"He's already dispatched a wherry or two. The amount of game available has suprised him."

"Suprised him?" Willmina said with raised eyebrows.

N'gal fretted minute. He really shouldn't be talking of the prejudice but..
"There were only certain areas greens and blues could go for food. Those areas were not very good hunting either."

Willmina shook her head. It was unbelievable that a Weyr, ANY Weyr, could do such a thing to dragons or subject their riders to it.

W'menel looked down. "Those folks at Herra. Nothing they do suprises me."

Herra Weyr was once where High Reaches used to be and sadly, it was nowhere near the noble place it had once been.
Willmina gestured N'gal to the head table and went to see what was up in the kitchen. She tried to brush what N'gal had said aside for the moment.

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