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Subject: surrogate motherhood

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Date Posted: Tue 19 April, 2005 03:20:38
In reply to: moderator 's message, "Re: how to become a surrogate mother" on Mon 18 April, 2005 15:03:38

I guess this is one of the advantages of dealing with one of the agencies, since they can arrange the contracts, and to have money in a trust. But if I were a surrogate (I am not, being an AI donor), I would also arrange for a good lawyer, to see that my contract is water-tight.

>>has been disabled. Sorry!
>Thanks for the update. I wish I'd saved it. It was
>a very sad tale of an English surrogate whose intended
>parents decided they didn't want twins, but wanted to
>sell the children on for $65,000. The surrogate never
>got paid and wanted to put the children up for
>adoption. What's especially sickening is that under
>California law, I think the couple won the legal case.
> These links still work:

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Subject Author Date
Re: how to become a surrogate motherJoni JohnsonThu 04 May, 2006 15:57:47
    Re: I'd like to be a surrogate mom for someoneAmanda FosterWed 31 May, 2006 08:22:54

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