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Subject: Re: Donor In Texas, Willing To Ship To Any U.S. State

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Date Posted: Mon 19 February, 2007 16:53:26
In reply to: Jim 's message, "Donor In Texas, Willing To Ship To Any U.S. State" on Sun 14 January, 2007 03:55:47

You stated you would like to donate to a married couple. Do you require that to be a heterosexual married couple?

>I'm straight, 6 feet tall, athletic, 175 lbs, well
>above avarage intelligence, good-looking I'm told, of
>Scottish, Irish, and English decent. I have brown
>eyes, but my children will have a 50% chance of having
>blue eyes depending on your genes. I have good skin
>and straight white teeth and a full head of thick,
>auburn/brown hair, with no signs that I'll ever lose
>it, and no baldness on either side of my family. I'm
>healthy and disease-free and all my Grandparents lived
>well into their late 80's. I don't drink and I've
>never smoked or used tobacco in any form, nor done any
>illegal drugs. I'll be tested for STDs when you
> I would like to donate to a married couple, and
>A.I. only. I don't want any contact with the child,
>nor do I want to be a Dad, I only ask that you E-mail
>me from time to time to let me know how your child is
>doing, with a picture would be nice. If you're
>serious about this, contact me at
>alittleone4u2@yahoo.com or alittleone4u2 on Yahoo

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Subject Author Date
Re: Donor In Texas, Willing To Ship To Any U.S. StatemoderatorThu 22 February, 2007 15:47:02
Re: Donor In Texas, Willing To Ship To Any U.S. StatejeremyThu 26 July, 2007 19:39:12

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