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Date Posted: 07:58:39 11/16/02 Sat
Author: A memo
Subject: laalala

.:.While Walking through the forest, you become thristy, you bend down to drink, only to look up at a large-Femme, at least four times the size and weight of a regular wolf. Her Black fur is highlighted with silver flecks, her eyes burn red, her teeth are long and sharp like blades. She sniffs you and snarls, the pack surronds you, she steps in front of you and lectures.:.Who Are you! What Are you doing here! Do you know where you even are! You are a stranger, an outcast, a loner, you are here to drink from the river o'darkness, but now, you have opened a new can o'worms, you are from now on, evil, you will belong to this pack and this one alone, still don't know where you are, funny yet sad, you are in the Nuka River Pack's Territory, you are welcomed to stay, but don't expect to gain my trust and recieve a postion......:.She growls at her pack and they slink away from you, teeth still bared, ears still flattened, you are trapped forever in this land, might as well get used to it...:. .:.While Walking through the forest, you become thristy, you bend down to drink, only to look up at a large-Femme, at least four times the size and weight of a regular wolf. Her Black fur is highlighted with silver flecks, her eyes burn red, her teeth are long and sharp like blades. She sniffs you and snarls, the pack surronds you, she steps in front of you and lectures.:.Who Are you! What Are you doing here! Do you know where you even are! You are a stranger, an outcast, a loner, you are here to drink from the river o'darkness, but now, you have opened a new can o'worms, you are from now on, evil, you will belong to this pack and this one alone, still don't know where you are, funny yet sad, you are in the Nuka River Pack's Territory, you are welcomed to stay, but don't expect to gain my trust and recieve a postion......:.She growls at her pack and they slink away from you, teeth still bared, ears still flattened, you are trapped forever in this land, might as well get used to it...:. .:.While Walking through the forest, you become thristy, you bend down to drink, only to look up at a large-Femme, at least four times the size and weight of a regular wolf. Her Black fur is highlighted with silver flecks, her eyes burn red, her teeth are long and sharp like blades. She sniffs you and snarls, the pack surronds you, she steps in front of you and lectures.:.Who Are you! What Are you doing here! Do you know where you even are! You are a stranger, an outcast, a loner, you are here to drink from the river o'darkness, but now, you have opened a new can o'worms, you are from now on, evil, you will belong to this pack and this one alone, still don't know where you are, funny yet sad, you are in the Nuka River Pack's Territory, you are welcomed to stay, but don't expect to gain my trust and recieve a postion......:.She growls at her pack and they slink away from you, teeth still bared, ears still flattened, you are trapped forever in this land, might as well get used to it...:. .:.While Walking through the forest, you become thristy, you bend down to drink, only to look up at a large-Femme, at least four times the size and weight of a regular wolf. Her Black fur is highlighted with silver flecks, her eyes burn red, her teeth are long and sharp like blades. She sniffs you and snarls, the pack surronds you, she steps in front of you and lectures.:.Who Are you! What Are you doing here! Do you know where you even are! You are a stranger, an outcast, a loner, you are here to drink from the river o'darkness, but now, you have opened a new can o'worms, you are from now on, evil, you will belong to this pack and this one alone, still don't know where you are, funny yet sad, you are in the Nuka River Pack's Territory, you are welcomed to stay, but don't expect to gain my trust and recieve a postion......:.She growls at her pack and they slink away from you, teeth still bared, ears still flattened, you are trapped forever in this land, might as well get used to it...:. .:.While Walking through the forest, you become thristy, you bend down to drink, only to look up at a large-Femme, at least four times the size and weight of a regular wolf. Her Black fur is highlighted with silver flecks, her eyes burn red, her teeth are long and sharp like blades. She sniffs you and snarls, the pack surronds you, she steps in front of you and lectures.:.Who Are you! What Are you doing here! Do you know where you even are! You are a stranger, an outcast, a loner, you are here to drink from the river o'darkness, but now, you have opened a new can o'worms, you are from now on, evil, you will belong to this pack and this one alone, still don't know where you are, funny yet sad, you are in the Nuka River Pack's Territory, you are welcomed to stay, but don't expect to gain my trust and recieve a postion......:.She growls at her pack and they slink away from you, teeth still bared, ears still flattened, you are trapped forever in this land, might as well get used to it...:. .:.While Walking through the forest, you become thristy, you bend down to drink, only to look up at a large-Femme, at least four times the size and weight of a regular wolf. Her Black fur is highlighted with silver flecks, her eyes burn red, her teeth are long and sharp like blades. She sniffs you and snarls, the pack surronds you, she steps in front of you and lectures.:.Who Are you! What Are you doing here! Do you know where you even are! You are a stranger, an outcast, a loner, you are here to drink from the river o'darkness, but now, you have opened a new can o'worms, you are from now on, evil, you will belong to this pack and this one alone, still don't know where you are, funny yet sad, you are in the Nuka River Pack's Territory, you are welcomed to stay, but don't expect to gain my trust and recieve a postion......:.She growls at her pack and they slink away from you, teeth still bared, ears still flattened, you are trapped forever in this land, might as well get used to it...:..:.While Walking through the forest, you become thristy, you bend down to drink, only to look up at a large-Femme, at least four times the size and weight of a regular wolf. Her Black fur is highlighted with silver flecks, her eyes burn red, her teeth are long and sharp like blades. She sniffs you and snarls, the pack surronds you, she steps in front of you and lectures.:.Who Are you! What Are you doing here! Do you know where you even are! You are a stranger, an outcast, a loner, you are here to drink from the river o'darkness, but now, you have opened a new can o'worms, you are from now on, evil, you will belong to this pack and this one alone, still don't know where you are, funny yet sad, you are in the Nuka River Pack's Territory, you are welcomed to stay, but don't expect to gain my trust and recieve a postion......:.She growls at her pack and they slink away from you, teeth still bared, ears still flattened, you are trapped forever in this land, might as well get used to it...:..:.While Walking through the forest, you become thristy, you bend down to drink, only to look up at a large-Femme, at least four times the size and weight of a regular wolf. Her Black fur is highlighted with silver flecks, her eyes burn red, her teeth are long and sharp like blades. She sniffs you and snarls, the pack surronds you, she steps in front of you and lectures.:.Who Are you! What Are you doing here! Do you know where you even are! You are a stranger, an outcast, a loner, you are here to drink from the river o'darkness, but now, you have opened a new can o'worms, you are from now on, evil, you will belong to this pack and this one alone, still don't know where you are, funny yet sad, you are in the Nuka River Pack's Territory, you are welcomed to stay, but don't expect to gain my trust and recieve a postion......:.She growls at her pack and they slink away from you, teeth still bared, ears still flattened, you are trapped forever in this land, might as well get used to it...:..:.While Walking through the forest, you become thristy, you bend down to drink, only to look up at a large-Femme, at least four times the size and weight of a regular wolf. Her Black fur is highlighted with silver flecks, her eyes burn red, her teeth are long and sharp like blades. She sniffs you and snarls, the pack surronds you, she steps in front of you and lectures.:.Who Are you! What Are you doing here! Do you know where you even are! You are a stranger, an outcast, a loner, you are here to drink from the river o'darkness, but now, you have opened a new can o'worms, you are from now on, evil, you will belong to this pack and this one alone, still don't know where you are, funny yet sad, you are in the Nuka River Pack's Territory, you are welcomed to stay, but don't expect to gain my trust and recieve a postion......:.She growls at her pack and they slink away from you, teeth still bared, ears still flattened, you are trapped forever in this land, might as well get used to it...:. .:.While Walking through the forest, you become thristy, you bend down to drink, only to look up at a large-Femme, at least four times the size and weight of a regular wolf. Her Black fur is highlighted with silver flecks, her eyes burn red, her teeth are long and sharp like blades. She sniffs you and snarls, the pack surronds you, she steps in front of you and lectures.:.Who Are you! What Are you doing here! Do you know where you even are! You are a stranger, an outcast, a loner, you are here to drink from the river o'darkness, but now, you have opened a new can o'worms, you are from now on, evil, you will belong to this pack and this one alone, still don't know where you are, funny yet sad, you are in the Nuka River Pack's Territory, you are welcomed to stay, but don't expect to gain my trust and recieve a postion......:.She growls at her pack and they slink away from you, teeth still bared, ears still flattened, you are trapped forever in this land, might as well get used to it...:. .:.While Walking through the forest, you become thristy, you bend down to drink, only to look up at a large-Femme, at least four times the size and weight of a regular wolf. Her Black fur is highlighted with silver flecks, her eyes burn red, her teeth are long and sharp like blades. She sniffs you and snarls, the pack surronds you, she steps in front of you and lectures.:.Who Are you! What Are you doing here! Do you know where you even are! You are a stranger, an outcast, a loner, you are here to drink from the river o'darkness, but now, you have opened a new can o'worms, you are from now on, evil, you will belong to this pack and this one alone, still don't know where you are, funny yet sad, you are in the Nuka River Pack's Territory, you are welcomed to stay, but don't expect to gain my trust and recieve a postion......:.She growls at her pack and they slink away from you, teeth still bared, ears still flattened, you are trapped forever in this land, might as well get used to it...:. .:.While Walking through the forest, you become thristy, you bend down to drink, only to look up at a large-Femme, at least four times the size and weight of a regular wolf. Her Black fur is highlighted with silver flecks, her eyes burn red, her teeth are long and sharp like blades. She sniffs you and snarls, the pack surronds you, she steps in front of you and lectures.:.Who Are you! What Are you doing here! Do you know where you even are! You are a stranger, an outcast, a loner, you are here to drink from the river o'darkness, but now, you have opened a new can o'worms, you are from now on, evil, you will belong to this pack and this one alone, still don't know where you are, funny yet sad, you are in the Nuka River Pack's Territory, you are welcomed to stay, but don't expect to gain my trust and recieve a postion......:.She growls at her pack and they slink away from you, teeth still bared, ears still flattened, you are trapped forever in this land, might as well get used to it...:. .:.While Walking through the forest, you become thristy, you bend down to drink, only to look up at a large-Femme, at least four times the size and weight of a regular wolf. Her Black fur is highlighted with silver flecks, her eyes burn red, her teeth are long and sharp like blades. She sniffs you and snarls, the pack surronds you, she steps in front of you and lectures.:.Who Are you! What Are you doing here! Do you know where you even are! You are a stranger, an outcast, a loner, you are here to drink from the river o'darkness, but now, you have opened a new can o'worms, you are from now on, evil, you will belong to this pack and this one alone, still don't know where you are, funny yet sad, you are in the Nuka River Pack's Territory, you are welcomed to stay, but don't expect to gain my trust and recieve a postion......:.She growls at her pack and they slink away from you, teeth still bared, ears still flattened, you are trapped forever in this land, might as well get used to it...:. .:.While Walking through the forest, you become thristy, you bend down to drink, only to look up at a large-Femme, at least four times the size and weight of a regular wolf. Her Black fur is highlighted with silver flecks, her eyes burn red, her teeth are long and sharp like blades. She sniffs you and snarls, the pack surronds you, she steps in front of you and lectures.:.Who Are you! What Are you doing here! Do you know where you even are! You are a stranger, an outcast, a loner, you are here to drink from the river o'darkness, but now, you have opened a new can o'worms, you are from now on, evil, you will belong to this pack and this one alone, still don't know where you are, funny yet sad, you are in the Nuka River Pack's Territory, you are welcomed to stay, but don't expect to gain my trust and recieve a postion......:.She growls at her pack and they slink away from you, teeth still bared, ears still flattened, you are trapped forever in this land, might as well get used to it...:..:.While Walking through the forest, you become thristy, you bend down to drink, only to look up at a large-Femme, at least four times the size and weight of a regular wolf. Her Black fur is highlighted with silver flecks, her eyes burn red, her teeth are long and sharp like blades. She sniffs you and snarls, the pack surronds you, she steps in front of you and lectures.:.Who Are you! What Are you doing here! Do you know where you even are! You are a stranger, an outcast, a loner, you are here to drink from the river o'darkness, but now, you have opened a new can o'worms, you are from now on, evil, you will belong to this pack and this one alone, still don't know where you are, funny yet sad, you are in the Nuka River Pack's Territory, you are welcomed to stay, but don't expect to gain my trust and recieve a postion......:.She growls at her pack and they slink away from you, teeth still bared, ears still flattened, you are trapped forever in this land, might as well get used to it...:. .:.While Walking through the forest, you become thristy, you bend down to drink, only to look up at a large-Femme, at least four times the size and weight of a regular wolf. Her Black fur is highlighted with silver flecks, her eyes burn red, her teeth are long and sharp like blades. She sniffs you and snarls, the pack surronds you, she steps in front of you and lectures.:.Who Are you! What Are you doing here! Do you know where you even are! You are a stranger, an outcast, a loner, you are here to drink from the river o'darkness, but now, you have opened a new can o'worms, you are from now on, evil, you will belong to this pack and this one alone, still don't know where you are, funny yet sad, you are in the Nuka River Pack's Territory, you are welcomed to stay, but don't expect to gain my trust and recieve a postion......:.She growls at her pack and they slink away from you, teeth still bared, ears still flattened, you are trapped forever in this land, might as well get used to it...:. .:.While Walking through the forest, you become thristy, you bend down toI drink, only to look up at a large-Femme, at least four times the size and weight of a regular wolf. Her Black fur is highlighted with silver flecks, her eyes burn red, her teeth are long and sharp like blades. She sniffs you and snarls, theJace pack surronds you, she steps in front of you and lectures.:.Who Are you! What Are you doing here! Do you know where you even are! You are a stranger, an outcast, a loner, you are here to drink from the river o'darkness, but nosneakw, you have opened a new can o'worms, you are from now on, evil, you will belong to this pack andRaiva this one alone, still don't know where you are, funny yet sad, you are in the Nuka River Pack's Territory, you are welcomed to stay, but don't expect to gain my trust and recieve a postion......:.She growls at her pack and they slink away from you, teeth still bared, ears still flattened, you are trapped forever in this land, might as well get used to it...:. .:.While Walking through the forest, you become thristy, you bend down to drink, only to look up at a large-Femme, at least four times the size and weight of a regular wolf. Her Black fur is highlighted with silver flecks, her eyes burn red, her teeth are long and sharp like blades. She sniffs you and snarls, the pack surronds you, she steps in front of you and lectures.:.Who Are you! What Are you doing here! Do you know where you even are! You are a stranger, an outcast, a loner, you are herefrom to drink from the river o'darkness, but now, you have opened a new can o'worms, you are from now on, evil, you will belong to this pack and this one alone, still don't know where you are, funny yet sad, you are in the Nuka River Pack's Territory, you are welcomed to stay, but don't expect to gain my trust and recieve a postion......:.She growls at her pack and they slink away from you, teeth still bared, ears still flattened, you are trapped forever in this land, might as well get used to it...:. .:.While Walking through the forest, you become thristy, you bend down to drink, only to look up at a large-Femme, at least four times the size and weight of a regular wolf. Her Black fur is highlighted with silver flecks, her eyes burn red, her teeth are long and sharp like blades. She sniffs you and snarls, the pack surrofodnds you, she steps in front of you and lectures.:.Who Are you! What Are you doing here! Do you know where you even are! You are a stranger, an outcast, a loner, you are here to drink from the river o'darkness, but now, you have opened a new can o'worms, you are from now on, evil, you will belong to this pack and this one alone, still don't know where you are, funny yet sad, you are in the Nuka River Pack's Territory, you are welcomed to stay, but don't expetoct to gain my trust and recieve a postion......:.She growls at her pack and they slink away from you, teeth still bared, ears still flattened, you are trapped forever in this land, might as well get used to it...:.:.While Walking through the forest, you become thristy, you bend down to drink, only to look up at a large-Femme, at least four times the size and weight of a regular wolf. Her Black fur is highlighted with silver flecks, her eyes burn red, her teeth are long and sharp like blades. She sniffs you and snarls, the pack surronds you, sfbhe steps in front of you and lectures.:.Who Are you! What Are you doing here! Do you know where you even are! You are a stranger, an outcast, a loner, you are here to drink from the river o'darkness, but now, you have opened a new can o'worms, you are from now on, evil, you will belong to this pack and this one alone, still don't know where you are, funny yet sad, you are in the Nuka River Pack's Territory, you are welcomed to stay, but don't expect to gain my trust and recieve a postion......:.She growls at her pack and they slink away from you, teeth still bared, ears still flattened, you are trapped forever in this land, might as well get used to it...:. . .:.While Walking through the forest, you become thristy, you bend down to drink, only to look up at a large-Femme, at least four times the size and weight of a regular wolf. Her Black fur is highlighted with silver flecks, her eyes burn red, her teeth are long and sharp like blades. She sniffs you and snarls, the pack surronds you, she steps in front of you and lectures.:.Who Are you! What Are you doing here! Do you know where you even are! You are a stranger, an outcast, a loner, you are here to drink from the river o'darkness, but now, you have opened a new can o'worms, you are from now on, evil, you will belong to this pack and this one alone, still don't know where you are, funny yet sad, you are in the Nuka River Pack's Territory, you are welcomed to stay, but don't expect to gain my trust and recieve a postion......:.She growls at her pack and they slink away from you, teeth still bared, ears still flattened, you are trapped forever in this land, might as well get used to it...:..:.While Walking through the forest, you become thristy, you bend down to drink, only to look up at a large-Femme, at least four times the size and weight of a regular wolf. Her Black fur is highlighted with silver flecks, her eyes burn red, her teeth are long and sharp like blades. She sniffs you and snarls, the pack surronds you, she steps in front of you and lectures.:.Who Are you! What Are you doing here! Do you know where you even are! You are a stranger, an outcast, a loner, you are here to drink from the river o'darkness, but now, you have opened a new can o'worms, you are from now on, evil, you will belong to this pack and this one alone, still don't know where you are, funny yet sad, you are in the Nuka River Pack's Territory, you are welcomed to stay, but don't expect to gain my trust and recieve a postion......:.She growls at her pack and they slink away from you, teeth still bared, ears still flattened, you are trapped forever in this land, might as well get used to it...:..:.While Walking through the forest, you become thristy, you bend down to drink, only to look up at a large-Femme, at least four times the size and weight of a regular wolf. Her Black fur is highlighted with silver flecks, her eyes burn red, her teeth are long and sharp like blades. She sniffs you and snarls, the pack surronds you, she steps in front of you and lectures.:.Who Are you! What Are you doing here! Do you know where you even are! You are a stranger, an outcast, a loner, you are here to drink from the river o'darkness, but now, you have opened a new can o'worms, you are from now on, evil, you will belong to this pack and this one alone, still don't know where you are, funny yet sad, you are in the Nuka River Pack's Territory, you are welcomed to stay, but don't expect to gain my trust and recieve a postion......:.She growls at her pack and they slink away from you, teeth still bared, ears still flattened, you are trapped forever in this land, might as well get used to it...:.

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