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Date Posted: 14:17:36 03/24/03 Mon
Author: Mali
Subject: *Her jaded eyes grow wide with feigned innocence*
In reply to: Lark 's message, "He wacks his tail once and turns." on 15:46:56 03/23/03 Sun

Well Larky darling, you are in luck, for this is the final time you will ever lay eyes on me. I am finally taking my place away from here, from the ever changing lands, to a place where I can retire in anonymity. Only you, my old nemesis, have remained from the first cats that I encountered in my early days here and I couldn't drag myself away forever without a final farewell. Closing the final chapter of my life here, as it were. Neferiti left long ago, and I with her, but strange forces drew me back time and time again, if only to see how my old homeland fared. Now that I no longer recognize any of the inhabitants, I realize that my time here has passed, and with it, my torment of you. Rejoice, my old friend. You are finally free of me. No longer will my shadow darken the landscape here, never again will I seek you out. My time has passed, and for what it's worth, I wish you the very best. You were a worthy adversary and a delight to torture. May the gods you hold dear keep and protect you on your journey through life. Goodbye Lark.

*Darkly furred head dipped earthward, silvered tips glinting from the light. The panther's lightly muscled form pivoted, large paws silently caressing the terra as she moved away, back to where she came from. Pausing only momentarily, she turned her head back, giving a playful wink before she loped easily out of the land*

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