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Date Posted: 11:11:22 03/29/03 Sat
Author: No Name
Subject: *Looks confused.* I shall only visit, time to time, then. O.k?
In reply to: Shay 's message, "We excuse me..." on 20:29:46 03/24/03 Mon

>*gets mad again* *temper tantrum* I have been here
>every day or nearly every day since I first came here,
>which is over a year ago now. I have never been
>inactive, not even a bit. Shay is the ONLY char in
>this tt who has stayed active. Not Thark, not Crystal,
>not Lark - you have all been inactive. We have worked
>for this tt and stayed here when no-one else did.
>Crystal was deleted for one reason - INACTIVITY. A
>queen who lacks the commitment to be active is no
>queen at all, and the same goes for you Tharkur. If
>you can't be really active for whatever reason you
>shouldn't hold an important position like that. (Shay
>isn't in charge right now - you and Lark are, Crys.
>Because you can be here right now and I can't.)
>Crystal and Tharkur and Lark ALL lost their positions
>because they WERE NOT HERE - for MONTHS!!!! I HIGHLY
>RESENT the implication that Crystal has done more for
>the tt than Shay, because you HAVE NOT!!!! I have no
>idea what makes you think that you're so wonderful,
>but I'm sick and tired of being pushed aside. That's
>right, let us hold the tt together when you can't be
>bothered to be here ... you can just waltz back and
>regain your old positions ... it DOESN'T WORK LIKE
>THAT!!! You think you're the only one who has problems
>getting online? I sweat blood to get online sometimes,
>but I still managed to be active.
>Since Shay came here she's been the only reliably
>active char ...
>*sigh* go on then Crys, call yourself queen ... but
>you've got the emptiest title around.
>I know this doesn't make much sense. That's because
>it's a rant!!
>*mutter mutter*

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