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Date Posted: 09:51:02 02/26/02 Tue
Author: Jay Dee
Subject: Re: Seeing the Bible alike
In reply to: John Dobbs 's message, "Re: Seeing the Bible alike" on 09:10:11 02/26/02 Tue

Hmm, you know, the way Christians have understood scripture has been in a state of flux for over 2000 years. The pesher scrolls found at Qumran, the Rabbinic literature, the Midrash, Talmud, all attest to different interpretations of the Old Testament. Then you have the writings of the church fathers, the allegorical interpretations of the Bible in Alexandria, the differences between the Western and Easter church, and later the scholasticism of the Catholic church, the Swiss Reformation, Lutheran Reformation, British Reformation, Anabaptists, Puritans, Holiness movement, and then our own Stone-Campbell movement.

Maybe we need a little humility and grace to help in time of need. Our understanding and ability to understand is not perfect. Maybe that is why God extends his grace. In our struggle to understand, maybe we miss the point, but would God be displeased if our hearts earnestly seek him?

The endeavor of Biblical interpretation is a human one that we cannot get around. We interpret EVERYTHING including the daily newspaper. It is a bit more difficult to intepret a 2000+ year old document written by different authors (some of them unknown) at various times (some of them unknown). Whoever said the bible is "easy" is either naive, blind, or just has not spent much time with it.

The only things that are "easy" in scripture is the message of the Gospel and how we are to be saved. That is fairly straightforward.

My suggestion is that we do not divide, and that we continue to study TOGETHER. We do not have to be in 100% agreement on every point of doctrine in order to have an in-Christ fellowship. The deity of Christ, the existence of God, and the doctrine of salvation, and holy living are things that are non-negotiable. If we are in agreement on these, then we have a basis for further study TOGETHER in HUMILITY.

I would like to know what breings this question up? Is there a particular situation in your church?

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