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Date Posted: 17:12:44 03/02/02 Sat
Author: David Proffitt
Subject: Questioning Self instead of others

Is the Church of Christ to afraid to question itself and take a good look in the mirror? Instead, it seems that they criticize other denominations and religions. They are open territory, but how dare anyone question the Church of Christ. Why do brethren get in such a hissy over someone questioning traditions? Is the Church of Christ so attached to its traditions that it holds anyone as suspect who questions or challenges them?

Better be careful. Those who teach as doctrine the commandments of men are doomed. Why not be up front and admit that a man made tradition is just that instead of trying to make every aspect of Church a matter of faith rather than tradition. What ever happened to that old saying, "Where the Bible is silent we are silent?" What ever happened to the old saying among us "In matters of doctrine, unity - in matters of opinion, liberty, in all matter, charity."

Woe to Churches of Christ if they do not open their eyes. Is it any wonder why others are so critical and accuse the Churches of Christ of being devoid of the spirit, of being all head and no heart, of being divisive, arrogant, and sometimes downright mean?

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