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Date Posted: 14:41:41 10/04/02 Fri
Subject: Re: Baptism--Law or Grace or?
In reply to: J.A. Jackson 's message, "Re: Baptism--Law or Grace or?" on 22:31:37 09/27/02 Fri

J.A. Jackson, by the time Paul wrote his letters many changes had already been made in Christianity since the time Jesus was teaching. And the official gospels were written even later.
..... There are people who are like trains; they must follow a particular track, and if they ever leave the rails they are in trouble. These people are among those whose life and thought is mainly based on ancient writings - or rather a number of versions of translations of them that may or may not be sufficiently accurate.
..... Other people are like bicycles; they operate by their own power and can go to very many places no train can ever get to.
..... There is a need to IGNORE all of the many changes in Christianity since the crucifixion, and concentrate ONLY on what Jesus wanted, with due consideration on the lifestyles and methods of his followers during those early years. Lots of books have been written that are NOT based on the bible, and your local librarian will help you find them.
..... Paul wanted to produce a "universal" (="catholic") belief system consisting of bits and pieces of various (ancient?) religions/belief systems of his time, similarly as Esperanto is an artificial language consisting of bits and pieces of various existing languages. But what Paul produced is NOT AT ALL what Jesus wanted.

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