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Date Posted: 15:28:05 02/24/02 Sun
Author: R Davidson
Subject: Re: Titles Not Authorized by God
In reply to: Ollie Adams 's message, "Titles Not Authorized by God" on 08:02:17 02/24/02 Sun

If you didn't call a youth minister a youth minister, what would you call him?

See 1 Cor 12:12 and following. All the members have different functions. I don't have a problem calling my eye an eye, or my foot a foot, because that is what they do.

The Bible says nothing of "titles." There is no title for the church, no title for the leaders and no title for anyone else. Elders are called elders, shepherds, and bishops. Yet none of these are titles, they are descriptions. Preachers are called heralds, evangelists, or simply preachers. None of these are titles either. Deacons are called deacons, slaves, or ministers. Once again, these are not titles. The church is called the church of Christ, the body of Christ, church of God, church of the first born, the way, and a number of other different names. Once again, none of these are considered titles.

Are you beginning to see a trend? These "titles" are actually descriptions. Youth minister, singles minister, associate minister, or just simply minister.

There are some things that are scriptural because they are specifically mentioned. Other things are un-scriptural because they are condemened. However, there is a whole slew of things that are simply NON-scriptural because the Bible does not mention them and is indifferent. Non-scriptural things include church buildings, song books, power poing for worship, electric lights, sunday school, etc.

Titles? If they help to clarify and focus, then we should be all for it.

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