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Subject: *Dark As Night*

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Date Posted: 08:40:15 01/18/03 Sat
In reply to: heretic 's message, "* standing out is the new pretension" on 22:42:24 01/17/03 Fri

*black panthress comes b'side 'er king bowing in respect t' 'im. she reclines 'pon ebon haunches. so there was other panthers in the area. and she thought she was the only one. ha! mask remains ov'r emotions as she glances to t' feliness that left and was now gone. after moments, she turns t'wards 'er king wondering what just happened. yes, she knew that the panthress was here to be queen...but why did she leave? she glances 'round terra momentarily, neon globes falling 'pon 'er king again. she nods a mere greeting and speaks. vocals dull, a hint of sarcasm wraps around 'er words*
well she didn't seem to like it here very much...maybe we should change the terra a bit...
*a rare smirk raises 'pon features as she finishes 'er sentence. she gazed into the green (i hope green) eyes o' 'er king. 'er own were a shocking blue...yes she was glad that the king was a panther. she was sick of seeing all the other cats o' t' world. auds flick back momentarily b'fore resting calmly 'pon brainpan once more. she waits rather patiently for an answer or comment from 'er new king*

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¤]Look 2 Thee Horizon[¤¤Nirvana¤09:59:10 01/18/03 Sat

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