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Subject: love me - hurt me

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Date Posted: 09:39:43 01/26/03 Sun
In reply to: ¤Nirvana¤ 's message, "¤]Nirvana[¤" on 08:28:11 01/26/03 Sun

sari couldn't help the feelings that arose in her as nirvana snickered. and nirvana called her young one? sari would laugh if she wasn't so petrified at the sudden attention focused on her. sari was a black panther, and, at three years old, was quite sizely. svelte, and lithe, but big enough to cause damage. she'd just been through so much pain... she freaked easily, she couldn't help it. slowly, slowly she forced herself to calm down, and her gaze met blaise's tentatively. her pate dipped towards the earth, hiding her beautiful emerald eyes, casting a shadow over her perfect form. i...would like to stay. if you'd let me. suddenly sari was so desperate to be alone, and yet she didn't want this male to leave her. no, it wasn't just this male. it was anyone. she felt the sudden urge to have a friend, someone, anyone. but... who would befriend her? cowardice such as she portrayed currently was a rare thing, to show it to such a degree. and she dared call herself an evil. she knew her father would have laughed at such a thing. but her father was dead...she'd killed him. a flood of memories, broken pictures flooded the female's mind, and she gasped in shock. once more her lids fluttered open, but she'd never even realized she'd closed them in the first place. she wanted to apologize to blaise, for her odd mannerisms, and yet she coudn't find it in herself to offer any words. oh sari, this isn't your day...

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¤]Nirvana[¤¤Nirvana¤14:51:20 01/26/03 Sun

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