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Date Posted: 12:02:31 11/16/02 Sat
Author: [ tranquility ]
Subject: [ queeen of hearts ]
In reply to: Obsidian 's message, "-welcome back- [everyone: active check]" on 08:54:35 11/16/02 Sat

[. weary frame trails the alpha male closely, re-entering the territory of the canine ones, jowls clasped tightly around a hind leg of the buck, bearing her share of the weight. grip is loosened and prey is permitted to fall to the soil at the cue of her mate. limbs carry the female a distance from the carcass ad form sinks, awaiting the initiation of the male toward the feast before she would fill herself. thoughts drift subconsciously to her rounded middle, bearing the offspring of the alpha. the weight had slowed her performance during the raid and had thoroughly exhausted her despite her absence of normal action. the time would be soon…she could sense it. muzzle is rested lightly upon fore paws, bodice still slightly tense and alert as always. later she would rest .]

[ due to the..erm..inturuption of the raid, tranquility really didn’t see much action, but i played it up as if she did to go along with the storyline. also: tranq‘s pups will be arriving soon J ]

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  • call of the wild..... chill of the north wind -- Strider..... wind dancer, 13:53:46 11/16/02 Sat

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