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Date Posted: 14:55:45 11/18/02 Mon
Author: Tiger Eye
Subject: |Thanks given|
In reply to: /t/e/m/p/t/a/t/i/o/n/ 's message, "/t/e/m/p/t/e/d/[a message to tiger eye]" on 15:44:11 11/16/02 Sat

.:.Cranial lifts as other approaches she, wounds stinging as thee tempted one cleaned them.:.Tiara shakes weakly in declination; she needed no help, she would heal eventually, but for now, she must devise a way to train the new ones while not being able to participate in any physical activities...:.Antennae prick up upon crown as howl filled with sadness is intaken from thee of the frost, a howl that signified edginess and nervousness tinged with sadness.:.Labra part as bag-pipes work to produce responding howl, a melodious sound that echoed slowly across the domicile of the lupes, and, not incedentally, into the equid's also.:.Lamps flicker as nazals dilate, smelling fresh meat soaked with blood, but knowing that if she got up to get it, she would risk having her leg set in a position that would never let her use it again.:.Growl emits broken pike is looked at and shifted, in exactly the position is should be to heal correctly.:.

]Tiger Eye[
]Trainer Of The Den[
]Allied To None[

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