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Date Posted: 06:26:27 11/21/02 Thu
Author: [..Kyara..]
Subject: [..a fallen angel..]

[..a fallen angel..]
[..The heat continued to grow increasingly unbearable as the incandescent flames rose higher and higher, defiant to the superior being that ruled over them. Their defiance remained clear until they incurred their master's anger was unleashed, lashing out at the nearest impertinent liquid gold flame, quenching it instantly with one thunderous disapproving hiss, setting an example to the others who instantly shrank back deep into the shadows. Their master was swamped with only thoughts of an ever enclosing enemy and the quickest and most effective way to reek revenge. A smirk is granted across facials as a plan is strategically manipulated and a call is emitted to a demon, Incubus and the plan relayed to this wench. She was to be given a chosen form to go and cause havoc amongst the realm of the living. Only the last few words are grasped Go have fun my pet. You can count on it..]

[..Caught between the fiery pits of my master and the haven of tranquillity lies the cursed place of Purgatory, the barren lands of Mother Nature. Not the best mother was she? Allowing her home to become like this? Wasted. Abused. Destroyed. Abandoned. It makes Hell look like a party town. Most of the supposedly "chosen" creatures do not even possess orbs worthy enough of being granted to observe the actions of the magical creature known only to them, the living mortals, as God. Asinine fools. Slowly does it now - don't wanna ruin the fun just yet to we?..]

[..Lithe frame sinks closer to the terra firma not wishing to be noticed just yet. She had taken her time to arrive but there was no point in rushing was there? Nope. The party does not start until I enter the room. Recepticles twitch noting the presence of many; some worthy, many not. Darkness encumbers her as quad limbs slowly organise into some sort of organisation and approaches the group down wind. Observations are continued to be carried out as vocal chords allow presence to be made known to the alpha male..]

[..a fallen angel..]

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