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Date Posted: 19:54:13 11/21/02 Thu
Author: strider & windy
Subject: hmm
In reply to: [Ebony] 's message, "[Wind Dancer and Strider]" on 15:51:14 11/21/02 Thu

the two look upon ebony strider giving ebony his lupine kiss once again, a soft lick on the snout, he seemed stumped no one was worth bugging, it was kinda dull around here and the judgment had him and windy on pins and needles

no one seems to be talking,
no one seems to be active
they only answer the roll calls
just to keep within the ranks but we know who needs ranking and who doesnt
and we also know who shouldnt be ranked any longer.
but its our leaders choise.
and if a rebelion is needed against the goverment is needed i would be happy to lead.
but i dont want to be exiled from my friends
and so i let obsy keep his ranks
and dont whine
and let everyone spiral into the oblivion of thinking they are a worthy wolf
other than you my dear.

windy looked to strider her eyes wide with amazment she never knew he had that in him

wow strider good job *giggles* ebony dall what do you think?

ooc: im in a political mood lol plz dont get up in-armes for my speach lol... im just a bit of an anarchist to this world lol have a nice day guys i have band in the morning so im off to be out like a light

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