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Date Posted: 19:36:44 11/25/02 Mon
Author: [. SiLeNt StAlKeR .]
Subject: [. WaTcH yOuR bAcK .]
In reply to: White Frost 's message, "Whats a little frost goin' to do?" on 19:23:15 11/25/02 Mon


[. ThEsE tHoUgHtS oF mInE .]
[. whatta ya know. already? hmm. but such a nice young wolf, wouldn't want to ruin her. what was this? she speaks of friendship? hmm? i dont know. i cant resist, but i have to be liked in here for success. what in the world am i doing just thinking? start the action. ..

[. ThEsE sTuBbOrN aCtIoNs oF mInE .]
[. anabonic wench watched the icy one approached. multi hued coatwork shuffled in the silent zepher. she had become lone friends with the zepher. helped her on the way. auricles turn and take in the fine details of the crystal one. no movement was made, ommiting the constant flickering of auricles. listening to her every sound, though taking in the vocals of the others. listening intently. her own vocals produce a melodic tune ..

[. ThEsE wReTcHeD wOrDs I sPeAk .]
[. no. i dont believe a enemy is wanted. friendship? perhaps. allyship? in due time. for now i trust no one but the wind. the wind that has carried me to greatness. though, chatting? what the heck. nothing else to do. you first. ..

x silent stalker x
x outkast of flickering fire den x
x bound to none x

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