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Date Posted: 20:37:53 02/01/03 Sat
Author: critic
Subject: i am lost and alone for all eternity [all in]

her limbs carried her to matriarch, slinking above the earth. Outlets search for permission to step closer. Low vocals issue from the chasms that held the voice box. She was sure it was the right thing to do. Fifth appendage waivers, skipping along the ground as whines and growls and snips erupt from her vocals. She was leaving. To search for something. This life did not suit her. She had to get away. Now. She would return. When, she did not know. If she did not, they could forget her very name and live without it. the coat bristles as a last snarl is made to those who had made her angry, for some reason. Tranquillity was left with only a voice of what she had been, an ally who did not know what she had done to deserve it. the shadows consume her form as she falls into the night, leaving them all. She did not deserve such a life.

ooc: I do not have time to play a wolf. I suck at RPing horses and am even worse at wolves. Plus, I have to cut down on charries. Classes are harder this semester, the teachers hate me for nothing. So I am getting more homework and need to work hard to pull off a 3.75 okay? I am sorry. If the activity picks up she will come back. If not, than she is only a memory. -hugs- I love you all

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