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Date Posted: 19:32:09 12/04/02 Wed
Author: -rar-
Subject: -rar-
In reply to: r 's message, "Re: meehehehehe.." on 18:51:05 12/04/02 Wed

[:]Forsaken[:] Four claws strike savagely towards the crumbling bark of an evergreen tree. The white crested black sets its posture on top of the large plant. His wings fold delicately into the main of him. Golden eyes pierce through the brutiles of the evils realm. Narrowing into simple slits, his beak opens wide, his feathery parchment spreads again with greater force, and a screech echoes off the plains and branches of the terrain betrayal landed at. [:]Forsaken[:]

[:]Burning[:]His slender wings slipped purely motionless again to rest beside him. His young age rendered him un-equivalent to the older birds, eagles. He must not have known it, for he often believed he had the highest rights. Boy did he get it through his head the hard way. Beaten, scared, and frightened, he was forced to flee. The others pursued for as long as they thought necessary. A timeless trek it seemed to the adolescent flier, his courage sparked back up and now raged as it did before his events. Transferring his vision below the charred tree he sat in, restlessness began deep in his throat. He resided here now. [:]Burning[:]

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