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Date Posted: 16:57:05 04/14/03 Mon
Author: IGNORED!!!!!!...

Let's say you have half a glass of arsenic. Now how would the optimist see it?

Ashen padding drifted in from the distant horizon, four greatly built nadirs struck the topography as his graceful beating echoed around the quagmire. The toger’s golden eye’s swept through the brutiles of the new realm, pupils narrowing as his maw opened and a malicious screech reverberated from his larynx. The sound bounced off the plains and branches of the terrain, and could be heard miles away. With a much greater force, he towered towards the aerosphere, forelimbs thrashing aesthetically at this substance. His face was tucked towards his throat, a shield to the many venerable targets there. Phlegmatic, the leviathan returned to the glaucous turf. As a lone, Fuyudori was perfectly independent. Begging was not his style, he’d wait for any first client to approach him before announcing his.. ’side’. Passion could easily be changed, but he would be the judge towards any offers. The first thing we see when the curtain rises is a great rush forward; like a great wave of the Mediterranean crashing on the shore of Carthage. Run or walk quickly, its pandemonium.
|:Fuyudori Owl:|
|:Canis Lupus Arctos:|
(Uhhh. Can't answer this one. SO BLEH.)

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