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Date Posted: 11:36:44 11/29/03 Sat
Author: Only Time
Subject: ~*Time will Tell
In reply to: <font color="navy"> Winded Spark </font> 's message, "Blood Unseen Is Blood Unshed" on 11:35:31 11/29/03 Sat

The fay prepared herself also, for once feeling a bit clumsy and awkward. Her crest poised and ready, her fangs bared. The talons of the pixe pranced in place as she mentally prepared ehrself for the challenge. She was determined, she knew she would not win-that was inevitable- Oh well, twas her own fault, her boisterous pride and all that. She just wanted to make sure she made at least one knowledgeable scar somewhere to remind them of her. Though she remined herself of her carriage, her poll restrained by a milimeter, she could feel the blood rushing in her veins. Mock battles amounted to nothing, and the feeling was great. So what, she would lose. At the worst be crippled for life, perhaps they would rid her of her horrible life. Oh well, she would not deny them of their so wanted blood..

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