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Date Posted: 22:04:32 07/31/04 Sat
Author: Me, duh
Subject: saaah

I so did not write this. I just want to play with their html =D

my thunder comes before the lightning
my lightning comes before the clouds
my rain dries all the land it touches

I was starting to notice how the sun beat down upon my raven hide so mercilessly, and how warm I was starting to feel. My mug was still parted to grant entrance to the jaded tips that my enamels snatched up, nourishing my body. My tassels connected with my haunches with a sharp, yet low, snapping sound. It was then that I slowly became aware that something was watching me. I knew he had not been there all too long, for I had seen him out of the corner of my eye, just hadn't paid much heed. But now, as he came closer, I lifted my pate, my lobes swiveling towards the direction he approached from, listening to those calls he sent to me.

I stayed where I was, small amusement playing over any features that might be decipherable from my dark facade. He had my attention thus far, it would be interesting to see how this would turn out. I was stone still, a single hind leg resting on the tip of my hoof as the other three limbs supported my weight. Relaxing, basking in the heat. This might prove amusing... well... as the saying goes... men are like slinkies, it's always fun to watch them fall down the stairs.

3 ages
Mixed Blood
Immortal Raven x Riverdance

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