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Subject: Update

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Date Posted: 14:17:36 06/26/02 Wed

Ok, so I didn't realize how detailed everyone would be with their messages, so here goes. I went to KU right out of high school, and received a bachelor's in elementary ed. in 96. The fifth year was student teaching and grad classes, which I finished in 97. I married Bill Moffitt (class of 91) in July of 97, and we moved to Lillington, NC, just south of Raleigh. I took a job as a 1st grade teacher at a local school, while Bill took classes at Campbell University (ironic name). I completed my Masters at Campbell in 99, and changed schools. There I teach 1st and 2nd grade multiage, which I love. Bill is the assistant head professional at Carolina Lakes Golf and Country Club (which he loves). We had a beautiful baby boy March of 01, and named him Coleman Lawrence for his grandfathers. We very much look forward to catching up with all of you soon. Sounds like Cole will have a lot of friends to play with :)

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