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Subject: David friggin Schoonover?

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Date Posted: 10:28:29 01/18/05 Tue

Where ya been? Has the married life taken the fun out of ya? Haven't heard from you in awhile so I just figured that your email address didn't work anymore.
I've been dating the same girl for almost 2 years now..(she's a nurse and I remember how them nurse-folk can be *itches... * = w ). Through her, I have unfortunately found my way back into the army life though. She's a lieutenant in the army reserves and since you can now just join the reserves and travel the world, meet interesting new people, and kill them, she will probably be activated in February 2006 for 2 years (unaccompanied tour). THAT SUCKS!!! It sounds like they're going to be sending her to Landstuhl, Germany though (that's where we have that big military hospital that serves most of Europe).
I've almost finished school..finally. Haven't done much flying lately though. Always too busy going to school full time and working full time. I can't wait until December of this year when I get to graduate, then spend the next 5 years begging people to hire me on at any kind of aviation job at any kind of salary..but oh well.
So, what's up with you? Where have ya been? Still in Wichititty?

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