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Subject: Sally Hrrell's relay for life *please read*

Courtly Parker
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Date Posted: 15:25:25 04/01/02 Mon

Hello Friends and Family! Long time no see or talk for some of you! I am emailing you all to ask a huge favor in a small way. As you all know that my family has been grealty effected by cancer. Losing my dad to it and then my mom being a survivor has really showed me that I need to get into the fight to help battle this dreaded disease. My time given to this cause is by each year participating in the Relay For Life. It is a all night walk-a thon that celebrates those who have survived and those who memories we are fighting for. My Relay this year in Texas is on June 7th and 8th and I have just begun to raise my money. I am emailing you in hopes that you all might want to donate some money for this wonderful cause. The money you donate goes for the research, education, services all around the United States to help those with cancer and to help those trying to find a cure for cancer. I also have luminaries available which will line the track the night of the event which display the honor of a survivor or the memory of a lost one. The luminaries are $10 a piece if you would like to purchase on of those. If you would like to donate to my cause of course I will be forever grateful for genorsity. You can send your money to me anytime between now and the end of April. I will leave my address at the end of this email. The American Cancer Society strongly enourages checks rather than cash (why...I do not know) So..if you are sending a check please make out the check to the American Cancer Society. I guess they feel checks are eaiser to track than cash. They will send you a reciept in the mail for your records at home if you keep record of your donations to charity. Thank you so much for your support and hope to hear from you all very soon. Love-Sally

My address:

Sally Herrell

4153 N. O'Connor Rd.

Irving, Tx. 75062

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