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Subject: I'm here to enlist Capt. Mantoc

Cheif medical officer; Dr. Ian Malcolm
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Date Posted: 00:07:24 03/05/02 Tue

Hello Capt. Mantoc [Dr. Malcolm salutes] I am Doctor Ian Malcolm at your service. [Malcom hands Capt. Mantoc a data crystal] If you review this you will see that I am certified
to be the head of your med-lab, unless you already have one,
in which case I'd be more than an apt assistant.[Malcolm glances around the ship] this looks nice. My last couple commissions...well, I served on Alpha 7 and Petili prime. I served aboard the Andromada and...well...to many ships to name. I can see by that look Capt. that you are wondering why I have served so many places, I assure you I'm not trouble. It's just that...well...it never fails, especially,
my last commission, the Capt. of the ship, the pilot, and the engineer, seem to have a knack for finding me and getting me into trouble. I figure here, there's no way, it shouldn't be an issue. I'm sure they are busy somewhere in the galaxy blowing up planets...possibly rotting in prison, hell, maybe they're dead.
Hmmmm? Oh, their names...The Capt. was a psychopath, a complete nut, a loose cannon, are you ready for this...a self proclaimed commadore...named Kyle Havok
The Pilot...he was a great pilot, but only cared about himself and he took too many un-neccisary risks, and he was a bit quick on the trigger...Jason Chase
The engineer was an ok guy. Last I saw he was in The Sandbar
at Pirates Cove astroid field. He had been clean and sober for....well, forever I think. He LOVED making weapons of mass destruction, letting Havok and Chase take the weapons, and wipe out civilizations, and then feigning innocence at such a loss of life...Vincent Largo
At least we won't have to worry about them unless we come up against them....Sooooooo[Malcolm rubs his hands together]
Where's med-lab?

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