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Subject: Just A Sip O' Insanity

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Date Posted: 08:15:24 08/25/02 Sun

Silver flaked the elegant one,muscles rippling beneath leathery hide.Emerald luminaries study the peaceful topography.She releases dominant wail,muscles tensed up in slight.Luminaries narrow,typanums cup forth with aggressivness.Rubbers curl back,revealing fangs,which lie stained in a heavy perfection o' blood.She snarls,growling loudly.She twas one not to be messed with,and was quiet insane at that.Luminaries flitter and widen,she focuses 'pon the bushes around she.She growls and pounces off.She claws a nearby tree,climbing it with expertise.She lie in the branches,tail flickering.She snarls again,typanums cupped forth again with aggression.She speaks in an eerie,singing voice:

"Well you think that you can take me on,you must be crazy.
There ain't a single thing you've done that gonna faze me.
Oh,but if ya wonna have a go.
I just wonna let you know.
Get off of my back and into my game.
Get outta my way and outta my brain.
Get outta my face or you're gonna jump and shout.
I think it's tim eya better face the facts.
Get off of my back!"

She finishesher lil song and cackles insanly.She lie in her perch,watching every move something made.Listening to the slightest autible.Would any dare challenge her with her skille.

ºI'm Known For Murder O' My Familyº
ºI'm Known For Almost Commiting Suicideº
ºI'm WELL KnownFor Cub Nappingº

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[> Subject: [Leave]

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Date Posted: 11:26:40 08/25/02 Sun

[With an agressive snarl, the ivory & ebon beauty appears. Whip lashes as she emits her call of dominence from vocals, cold dark artic's narrowed 'pon the challenger. Snarl soon follows as auds flatten 'pon skull, talons unsheathed from padded daggers]

You are not welcome here. Leave at once.

[Virago hisses, displaying pure creme fangs. Death would fall 'pon the female if she did not leave]

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[> [> Subject: Just A Sip O' Insanity

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Date Posted: 13:34:12 08/25/02 Sun

Se gawks at the matriarch from her perch.Typanums cup ofrth aggressivly.Luminaries narrow,nadra dialate as she inhales approachers aroma.She hisses,blood stained talons unsheathed from sheaths.She meant no harm to the land,it's just she had a bit o' an attitude problem.She snarls and stands in limbs.Eying the next tree,which was nearby,and with a single bound alights the limbs.She then falls to the ground as if a feather.She snarls,luminaries growing regular size.Typanums perk heavenwards in firendly status,rubbers covering fangs.She releases a somewhat purr-hiss and saunters towards the matriarch.Insane cackle is given as she brushes past her,whipcord lashing opponents side harshly.She growls and bolts off,kicking up dust.She plunges into teh canopy o' trees,her silver leather blending with the grey colored tree trunks.She growls,her piercing emerald lampistra focusing on her.She moves with grace as she travels the tree tops.She was foolish if she thought she could take her on.And HER DEATH was not to come in but a long time.She herself e known for murder o' her family,and several others.She growls and quietens down.Soon all noises stop and she disappears from sight,just not the land.

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[> [> [> Subject: *Hisses a cobra's warning-one strike you have-best not waste it.*

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Date Posted: 15:01:55 08/25/02 Sun

*Although a mere puma, an attitude she has. In battle she would surely loose but in speed she would stand far before the other in victory. A cougar's leap is not to be challenged for it is above any other feline's. This moster would be easily found within her home. Apparent that this cat is crazy she could relate top her well. But when you are crazy in a dangerous manner then you must use the small smarts with held in her spiderweb brain to escape while she can.*

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[> [> [> [> Subject: Panthress Watches From Perch

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Date Posted: 15:53:34 08/25/02 Sun

Keen luminaries focus 'pon other.She keeps herself quiet though,not a muscle twitches.She sneers and bounds off deeper into canopy.She was teh one not to be challenged with her grace and quickness.She snarls and finally lie 'pon the limbs,cerebrum supported by branch boredly.She yawns and watches the liquid mirror below.

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[> [> [> [> [> Subject: [Wrong]

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Date Posted: 16:29:21 08/25/02 Sun

[No, the "insane" one was wrong. Death was slowly becoming her and it would come if she did not respect the Alpha's wishes. Noted killer..Noted cub-napper. She was not wanted her.. perhas in the Evil lands but not here. Tigeress stalks her prey. She was a Neutral, pertaining both Light & Evil qualities. Here was her Dark streak. Artic's narrow as she gives another loud vocal call. A challenge. Show your mangled hide, your tarnished face. Let me rip you into shreds if you do not pay heed]

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[> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: [>>Pounce<<]

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Date Posted: 17:27:54 08/25/02 Sun

She watches her prey,idiom licking rubbers.This would be a delicious meal.She cackles to herself.Well let's see,how should I attack.She studies the tigress's position.Finally mustering up all her strength,she pounces from teh tree above fem.Claws unsheathe as she lands 'pon her spine.Lyrnx rumbles a dominant wail and she snarls.She bounds off..disappearing from her sight.She scavenged among the bushes,watching tigress alertly.Seh growls efore silently padding dep into thicket...heading to the land o' evils.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Is there a page where I can find what all that meant?

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Date Posted: 22:31:13 08/25/02 Sun

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: *female walks up behind her new leader and the other cougar*

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Date Posted: 13:32:24 08/26/02 Mon

What is going on? Who is she? *sniffs the air* Smells like a coward to me. *smiles* What do you think Caita? *looks to the other cougaress waiting for an answer*

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: *Smiles.* I think she's one screwed up coward.

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Date Posted: 14:51:03 08/26/02 Mon

Poor female wolf. *Watches where the swig of insanity was last seen.* We better keep on our toes...I have a feeling she might rondevu (I suspect that word is french and I am WAY to lazy to check spelling) with some of her fiendish friends and pick on us neutrals for a while.

(hehe. I know play, I can get into that kinda writing when I'm bored enough but even that stuff took me a while to translate)

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: lol

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Date Posted: 15:27:14 08/26/02 Mon

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: [Growls]

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Date Posted: 17:18:09 08/26/02 Mon

[She side-stepped the attack easily. What do you take me for, a fool? Ivories snap as she retreated, hoping to graze her]

((She doesn't even relize what POWERPLAYING is..))

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: *Unsure.*

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Date Posted: 22:47:22 08/26/02 Mon

*Sits, ears alert. For now the danger has seemed to have passed.*
(Oh, well.different people view power playing differently.I'm not exactly sure how CM places it though)

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: *looks around and waits for any sign of movement*

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Date Posted: 19:36:11 08/27/02 Tue

(occ: the correct spelling is rendezvous, I took french a few years ago.)

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Ah...tanky.

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Date Posted: 14:15:56 08/28/02 Wed

>(occ: the correct spelling is rendezvous, I took
>french a few years ago.)

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Welcome!

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Date Posted: 19:10:24 08/28/02 Wed

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