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Subject: Push Away

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Date Posted: 09:28:53 05/14/02 Tue

Hello everyone! I hope you are all doing well.

Here's the new promotional agenda for the next two weeks! On May 23rd DHM will be playing in Chicago, IL at The Lakeview Links bar. I want to try and get that place packed with people. But in order to do so, we have to get a buzz going on down there.

First of all anyone who lives in the area or near the area please print out the flyers, put the date of the show and where it's at on the flyers and post them around town. If you know anyone down there, please ask them to help out as well. (If you need me to resend the flyer, email me and I will send it to you)

Second, we are going to contact two college radio stations as well. The first station is called: WHPK 88.5fm The Pride of the South Side. The phone number is: 773-702-8424 The email address is: whpk@uchicago.edu

The second staion is: WCSU (Chicago State University). I only have a phone number for them: 773-821-2884

Please call and email these stations as often as possible. We want to get the buzz out on DHM in Chicago and it's surrounding areas as much as possible.

There is a show in Rochester this Friday and two shows this Saturday...on at Minnehaha Park at 11:30am and another at Grandpa Al's in Fairbuilt that night!

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