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Subject: Responding to Your Classified Ad!

Vivian Davis
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Date Posted: 07:18:25 12/20/07 Thu

Dear Sherif

I was reading the Classified Ads and yours caught my eye. I used to
place classified ads too until I found out that they really do not work
well at all. You are probably experiencing this very same thing.
Classified ads along with Most All Online Advertising Really Does NOT Work.
The Reason I am responding to Your Ad is to Invite You to work With
me. YES, we Will PAY YOU to Help us work together Online.

I Sure could use the Help with all of my leads and I am Willing to
Share The Profits with You. Below is a description of what I would like to
offer You. You will Make Real Money with us as we will Split The
Profits WITH YOU! Here's a brief Description:


In case You are asking "How"...Here's Your Answer:


You can Get Your *FREE* Software that will Get You Started
Immediately...in just a few minutes from now.

We will show you How to Make $5,000 to $25,000 per Month,
at home, if you are willing to split the profits with us.

Why drive to work for someone else? Start Building Your Wealth and
Finally be Free!

As stated above...We will show you how to make $5,000 to $25,000 per
Month, at home, if you are willing to split the profits with us.

Please note: This is not a "mass marketing program". We only have
Select Few Positions available for this once in a lifetime opportunity.
Once our positions are filled, this special offer will be gone. We will
teach you everything that you will need to know. Just follow our
simple instructions, each day, be willing to split the profits with us, and
we will show you how to make $5,000 to $25,000 per Month.

It's that simple!

Here is even More Great News:

*** You can work at home full-time or part-time (you set
your own hours).

*** We will Pay you Twice each Month(1st and the 15th).

*** You DO NOT have to call our customers. Our Customers will contact
you directly over the internet.

*** The "work" is both Easy and Fun!

*** Hurry, the positions are on a "first come, first serve"
basis. Once they are all filled, this Very Special Opportunity will be

For Your *FREE* Software to Get Started Immediately, please send Your
Full Name to me at this email address:


Email me Now so that You can Get INSTANT ACCESS to Your FREE Software
that will Get You Started FAST!

Please note: Please do *Not* hit "Reply" on your browser to contact
us. We will not be able to receive your email and would Never Know that
you sent the email to us. Please reply to my email address that is
Right Above. Thank You.

I look forward to be hearing from You Right Away...so we can Share The
Profits with You. ;-)


Vivian Davis

Personnel Department

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