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Date Posted: 20:57:41 04/29/02 Mon
Author: Ian Hay
Subject: Re: Calling all Caudiciforms
In reply to: Richard shew 's message, "Calling all Caudiciforms" on 15:23:27 04/05/02 Fri

Dear Richard and other Caudiciform and Rare Plant Lovers,
There are several caudiciforms from your list in the huge auction of Russell Johnstone's collection to be held at the CSSNSW's AGM this Friday, 3 May, Ryde Public School from 7:30 p.m. In addition, there are many hundreds of other treasures such as a very large crested Pachypodium lameri in a big ceramic pot, many Dioscoreas,a couple of Idria columnaris, several huge Aloe plicatilis, a Boophane, a couple of Aloe polyphylla, many Pachypodiums and hundreds of rare Haworthias just to mention the tiniest amount of what will be on offer. There will be many bargains but make sure you have planty of room in your car, you will be amazed by the sheer quantity of plants we must sell on Friday. While some individual rare plants will be sold separately, most of the plants will be sold in lots consisting of a seedling tray of 16 to 20 nice 3" or 4" pot of plants. Please note one has to be a member of the CSSNSW to bid at the sale (if you are not a member you will need to join now. You can use the information links and the application form which can be downloaded from this site)and you must attend in person as this this will be a one night, unrepeatqble sale and lots must be taken with you on the night. Cash and Credit cards will be accepted (sorry no cheques)so this is your big chance to acquire some really rare and desirable plants. BE THERE!

Ian Hay

>Hi there,
>I've decided to specialise in Caudiciforms and keen to
>collect good size specimens.
>If you have anything in your collection you might like
>to sell, check wish list :)
>Adenia digitata ellenbeckii goetzeii
>Adenium somalense
>Bombax ellipticum
>busera microphylla
>bulbs ( boophane/gethyllis
>Begonia caffra partita suffructicosa dregei
>Cephalopentandra ecirrhosa
>Ceraria pygmaea/namaquanesis
>Cussonia paniculata
>Cyphostemma uter
>Crassula sarcocaulis
>Ceropegia coranthii/ rendalii
>Dioscorea (Testudinaria) machrostachya hemicrypta
>Dorstenia gypsophila/gigas
>Euphorbia cap-saintemariensis cylindrifolia var
>tuberiferadecidua ecklonii francoisii knuthii
>primulifolia trichadenia tuberosa baga decidua
>Fockea capensis (F. crispa) Fockea (Petopentia)
>tugalensis Fouquieria fasciculata
>Hydnophytum sp.
>Impatiens tuberosus mirabalis
>Ibervillea tenuisecta
>Jatropha berlandieri erythropoda podagrica cinerea
>Monadenium monatum Moringa ovalifolia
>Nolina (Beaucarnea) stricta
>Othonna cacalioides clavifolia cuneata euphorbioides
>herrei pilosum
>Pachycormus discolor
>Pelargonium alterans, carnosum, ceratophyllum,
>cortusifolium, ferulaceum, hystrix, jacobii, munitum,
>xerophyton, caffrum, caledonicum, crassipes, hirsutum,
>incrassatum, leipoldtii, lobatum, longifolium,
>luteolum, oblongatum, pinnatum, rapaceum,
>schizopetulum, ternifolium, triste
>Phyllanthus mirabilis
>Pterodiscus ngamicus speciosus
>Pyrenacantha malvifolia
>Peperomia pachypodioides
>Raphionacme galpinii galpinii hirsuta procumbens
>daronii elata
>Sarcocaulon herrei multifidum paniculata pattersonii
>Senecio fulgens sempervivus tuberosus
>Stephania rotundra
>uncarina roesoesliana
>Xerosicyos pubescens
>Zygosicyos tripartitus
>Or any others you might think i'd be interested in.
>Cheers, Richard.

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