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Subject: FUN Official Freeipods.con Conga Line Join the list!

T Leung
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Date Posted: 22:12:33 09/29/04 Wed

You get on the list by signing up under position #1

Here's the line:
1. www.freeiPods.com/default.aspx?referer=7212608 DONE

1.http://www.freeiPods.com/default.aspx?referer=7214851 (1 of 5 completed)

Once you have signed up under the first link, email me your email and referal link at mrleung21@gmail.com

If you have already signed up, but have no referrals, create a new account with a new email to get on the line. Just putting existing acounts on the list doesn't help if we're not getting referrals.

You will be added to the list as soon as it is confirmed that your offer has been completed

Here are the steps:

To receive your iPod:

1. Click the given referral link (Here is the latest donator's FreeiPods.com link if you do not have one) and enter a VALID US mailing address. Use one of the links on the left side of the page if signing up for FreeFlatScreens or FreeDesktopPCs.
2. Complete the marketing survey - note that your answers do not have any impact on your ability to receive an iPod.
3. Once signed up, you should receive a verification email. If you did not receive an email go to the My Account page and click the link to send the verification email - you may also change your email address on that page, and then send the activation link to that address. (Note: There have been problems reported using Hotmail addresses)
4. Sign up with one of their partners and complete an offer. Skip down to see instructions on the different options for completing offers. (It can take up to a few days for the offer completion to appear on your account)
5. Refer 5 friends and have them complete 1 offer each
6. Wait for your iPod, FlatScreen, or DesktopPC to ship!

When signing up and completing offers, always use Internet Explorer. These sites have had problems in the past with other browsers. Play it safe!

Note: These offers require a Credit Card to complete.

* AOL w/ MusicNet: Sign up for their 45 day free trial. If you are not satisfied, you are charged nothing.
* Video Professor: This costs $7 or so. It is also a risk-free trial with INSTANT CREDIT!
* InFone: This requires a credit card but is free. Try up to 5 calls without being charged. If you do not find the service useful, there is no need to cancel. This offer may not be available to all people at all times.
* Ancestry.com: Try a free 30 day trial of Ancestry.com's "Find Your Ancestors" service.
* Blockbuster Online: Try a two week trial of Blockbuster's Netflix-like service.
* There are a number of other options. Choose the one you are most interested in! Remember: choosing an advertiser based on how easy it is to cancel them is bad for Gratis, since they profit when they provide their advertisers with valid leads.

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