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Date Posted: 10:51:36 03/22/02 Fri
Author: shrimp_net
Subject: Hereford Utd info

Hereford United
Edgar Street

TEL: 01432 276666


The ground is very close to the town centre, and on a major road, so finding it is simplicity itself. Moreover, it is practically next door to the cattle market, which is widely signposted.

From the North (A49): Follow signs to Town Centre and you can’t miss it; the A49 becomes Edgar Street, and the ground is on the LHS shortly before you reach the town centre.

Ticket Prices

Adult - standing - £ 7.50 seats - £ 10.00
Child - standing - £ 3.00 seats - £ 7.00
OAP - standing - £ 4.00 seats - £ 7.00

Edgar Street is a segregated ground and Shrimp Net recommend Morecambe supporters to sit in the upper tier of the "Len Western Stand". The covered terrace underneath the stand offers restricted views of the pitch.

Len Western Stand
The Len Western Stand is a two teired stand, offering a covered terraced on the bottom level and covered seating on the top level. This stand is segregated into home and away fans.

View from the Away section - Upper tier of the Len Western Stand

Nearest Public House

Litchfield Vaults & The Spread Eagle (both in the town centre) are highly recommended by Shrimp Net.

The Newmarket is one of the closest pubs to Edgar St but can be intimidating for Away fans.

The Social Club, Legends (underneath the main stand)is cheap & cheerful and well worth a visit

All info taken from herefordunited.net and HU-FC.co.uk

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