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Subject: Re: Ignition

John C
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Date Posted: 08:27:18 02/03/03 Mon
In reply to: Krystian Tatara 's message, "Ignition" on 13:45:08 05/20/02 Mon

The New York Times on Feb 2 posted an article relating to this issue:

I myself have a 2002 GTI which had to go into the shop for 3+ weeks waiting for a new coil. I was able to recoup that months payment from VW but that tooka lot of phone calling on my part.
When I got the car back they said another one could blow. So much for the reliability of a new car -- that peace of mind that it will just work has been totaly shattered.

>Had my 02 GTI 1.8t for about 8 months. It only has
>5500 miles. Been to the dealership 3 times within a
>month. First the ignition coil went out at that time
>the car would knock and there was a sulfer like smell
>to it. About 3 weeks after that the car started to
>idle rough when i started it every morning. (No it was
>not cold outside). than the check engine light came on
>at which time i took it back to the dealer. They told
>me that the spark plugs needed to be replaced and
>charged me 40 dollars for the diagnostic because i had
>a aftermarket radio i the car.When i went to pick up
>my car i pulled out of the dealership and drove for
>about1/2 mile when the ignition coli went out again.
>They replace it and gave me my 40 bucks back for the
>diagnostic. Now after about a week the car is starting
>to idle rough again when i start it. I'm afraid that
>the ignition coil is ready to go again. I love my GTI
>but this is bull****. Does anybody have the same
>problem? please help krystian10@hotmail.com

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Re: IgnitionBen09:09:29 01/09/04 Fri

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