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Date Posted: 20:36:11 03/14/02 Thu
Author: Anna
Subject: Don't be . . .
In reply to:
's message, "confused" on 17:40:11 03/14/02 Thu
Don't be scared by all you read. My daughter is just a bit older than yours. I read these boards but I don't let the talk sway me. Truth is, no one would participate in pageants after reading all the yuck these people talk about on some boards.
I have found that when you DO have a question and post it, you can probably get some great answers. If you post about a particular pageant and its results - look out.
We have done a few pageants so far and we have enjoyed everyone of them. We met some great friends from across the country - very cool as my daughter has "pen pals" in her emails. We have grown together as a family - my husband takes videos and does photography; my mother-in-law sews; and my own mother is the best fan!!
If you want to do pageants for all the reasons you expressed, you'll love this hobby. We surely do. If you fall into the gossip mill, it will hurt you eventually.
Mostly, and I think most would agree, these are wonderful people who work during the week, pay their bills, speak properly, love their children, and see pageantry as a top choice for spending time together.
Yes, there are some ugly people out there - we've seen a couple of parents behave so badly to their children for bad performances and such - but you don't have to assosiate with them and you surely can help boost the positive spirit of the hobby by not joining in the gossip.
We may be writing it all differently in a few years but for now, at our children's ages, there is little to worry yourself about.
I reccomend reading any postings you want - I like to see who has a better reputation. I always speak with the director - I've been wrong before but that's just the way it is. After a few more rounds, we'll settle on those systems we like and feel are reputable. That's about all I can tell you - have fun and enjoy this time. They sure grow fast, don't they?
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thanks -- beth, 21:08:03 03/14/02 Thu
thanks for responding and easing my tension. I don't know what I would do if I saw a parent treat their child badly because a performance didn't go off just perfect, it would upset me greatly. We just want to have fun and enjoy each other. I have three boys and this is my last child and finally a GIRL! So I want to take advantage of little girl things and mommy-daughter time. We live near Dallas,Texas.
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Glad to help -- Anna, 03:20:34 03/15/02 Fri
Don't sweat the hateful parents. With three sons, I'm sure you've seen your share of "hockey dads" and moms at sporting activities. It's no different. There will always be those who live through their children and really get angry sometimes.
Now, on to more fun stuff. There's lots of pageants around the area - you should consider getting your sons into it if they are still on the young side. There is such little competition, they would be the ones winning the big prizes - bikes, cash, etc.
Anyway, you can email me at sic17@msn.com if you want to discuss particular pagenats or anything. We're doing a pageant this weekend in Mesquite, then Cinderella March 30. We're looking at others for April.
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e-mail -- Sarah Beth, 14:03:09 03/15/02 Fri
I have e-mailed you...talk with you soon.
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e-mail not working -- sarah, 15:07:20 03/15/02 Fri
the e-mail I attempted to send to you came back with you as an unknown user??????? I have tried to send it again.
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e-mail won't go through -- sarah, 15:09:19 03/15/02 Fri
The second time didn't work either.....sic17@msn.com...is that right? my e-mail is sbg916@aol.com.
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email -- Anna, 15:30:05 03/15/02 Fri
six17@msn.com - sorry
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got it -- sarah, 19:27:05 03/15/02 Fri
I found you on TiaraDreams board so I sent it again, you shoul have it now.
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try again -- Anna, 03:00:21 03/16/02 Sat
Whatever you were sending was very large. We are bound by that stupid MSN which is really hotmail and it is terrible. Please try again but send nothing but text. I am sorry about this. We usually manage OK but for some reason we are having some troubles this week to be sure.
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hope you got it this time -- sarah, 15:30:07 03/16/02 Sat
we are playing tag here.....now you're it, ha ha ha, hope you got it. e-mail me soon, maybe we can exchange phone number and talk soon, can't wait to meet you and your daughter.
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Blame my husband -- Anna, 03:40:40 03/18/02 Mon
We got it but my husband deleted messages before I could stop him. I'll warn him not to so please try me again. I know this is crazy. Normally he doesn't do that but he's paranoid that someone is going to infect us - our connection is sometimes really slow and hotmail which is msn.com is terrible. We're trying to get cable but they are hopeless.
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