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Subject: Fate- Fan Fic

Patric Fennessey
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Date Posted: 06:54:01 12/31/03 Wed

Welcome to a new universe... As I see it the world was better then, now nothing is peaceful, Technology has corrupted this area of space, almost every area of space. A fleet known as the Resistance bound on making everything in this universe part of what they are dominate this space, and if your not willing to their demands, your eliminated for just being in their way. My ship Fate, we help people, they don’t like that, and the real reason we haven’t been picked up is because the General’s son is my second in command. They let every evil imaginable fly through this space; the only thing there really worried about is someone finding out about their bosses… But we’ll find out soon enough. This brings the story up to us, Myself, My name is Captain John Miller, and I’m a fugitive, along with my commander and a freed slave that goes by the name Argon. David and Me, well we have a shady past, we used to work for a crime lord doing dirty work, he was dark and sadistic, the sort of person you wouldn’t want to know. You see one day, well actually 15 years ago, I lost my son, well he was stolen from me. I had a wife, but when the choice came, she stayed and I left, you see shortly after I lost my son, my life changed We’ve been on the run for 2 years now, aided by my crew we run but do not hide, we’ve set out to right our wrongs…

FATE is a new concept by me, im a writer, you maybe too, you may want to write, in early febuary FATE comes online to
www.voy.com/169693/ with epidode 1.1 Sins Forgotten, please check it out

Patric Fennessey

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