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Date Posted: 06:33:28 07/23/02 Tue
Author: Candy
Subject: WTF was that? Todd couldn't kill the crab but had no problem blowing "thunder thighs" and Ross to smithereens....DUH!!

I guess Todd hates Ross and TeaUGH more than he loves to eat (and we all know how much his food has always meant to him) If EVER there was an "OH BROTHER" SL it's this one, I swear, this has to be the worst I've ever had the misfortune of seeing...plum awful!!!

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[> BAH! It IS bad...but then again, the Crab IS way more cuddly than Troll or Ross! So, I can't really blame him. (shrug) -- ApothoKeri, 06:40:33 07/23/02 Tue

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[> [> I don't get any of this!! There has to be a moral (not to mention a long overdue ending) to this ridiculous story. I detested the DBL but at least I understood Todd's motivation, in this silly ass story he has none, even his survival instincts are non existant. As for the TROLL and Ross, I sure don't see ANY of the old Todd jealousy towards them, he's even lost his ability to stalk without getting caught....BAH is right. GT and his miserable excuse for a writing team really ate the weenie on this one and the ratings prove it, BIG MISTAKE...HUGE!! -- Candy, 07:20:06 07/23/02 Tue

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[> I think Tea will stay behind because obviously Todd is an ineffectual boob, incapable of surviving on his on. I think she has alluded to that on more than one occasion. Mommy to the rescue and isn't it what we as mothers would do? Would we dare ever leave the island with a man you barely know and leave your CHILD behind? Of course not. click -- LuvTodd, 07:45:23 07/23/02 Tue

This makes me sick. Tell me I'm reading it wrong. I looked at Lilly's pictures on the Knoll and it makes me SICK. He doesn't look at all hot to me ... he looks like a ten year old on a camping trip. Todd is insane. He can't be left alone because he's likely to starve to death without Mommy or Uncle Ross.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't Todd already think Tea is shagging Ross? Is he locked in his cave and completely carefree? Talking to a crab and the picture of his children .. in a cave .. on a deserted island .. shipwrecked. WTF is wrong with this picture? Why didn't TODD find the damn boat? Oh, I forgot .. they're too busy making Ross the anti-hero. Ross is now da man. WTFever.

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[> [> That's one of my points LuvTodd, -- Candy, 08:18:52 07/23/02 Tue

Ross and TeaUGH have been holed up in that cave for weeks now and Todd (I'm sure) must assume they're boinking it out and just doesn't give a damn. I'm LMAO @ anyone who thought Todd talking to the crab was HOT but then again there's no accounting for people's opinions. BWAHAHAHAHA!! Seriously though, I think TeaUGH will abandon Todd again (probably because he won't do a revision of the beach scene from "From Here to Eternity") and runs off with Ross and that is how Todd (ambiguously) dies. I also agree about them making the Ross/Todd "manly" dynamics bi-polar, Ross is being written as the ultimate man's man and poor Todd's the idiot child.....ACK!!

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[> [> [> Re:OAR,,, Todd steals the kayak, sets sail -- sailorsue, 11:15:52 07/23/02 Tue

and during the night. Todd's gotta be a better man at the helm than Ross, who got them shipwrecked. Todd returns to Llanview and Blair.mmm? :-):-D

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