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Date Posted: 05:31:17 07/29/02 Mon
Author: ApothoKeri
Subject: Only little glimses here and there...(click)
In reply to: Me 's message, "I think there are a few TNT fans who are happy..." on 11:40:26 07/28/02 Sun

I think that Nat and Chris are kinda of nice, but then again, they are just SO young, ya know? I wasn't even into the teen SL when I WAS a teen.

I think Bo and Gabby are kinda sweet too, but honestly, I think that in the long run Gabby really IS too dark for Bo. Besides, I feel that Bo and Nora AND Gabby and Max will always BELONG together at some level, so it is hard for me to get behind them.

The rest...

Troll Island...STUPID and BORING.

Keri and AnPhonio put me in a COMA.

The Viki/Iki/Niki stuff is SO hyper and retarted that it makes me cringe.

Jessica, Seth and Rex are all boring, IMO. PLUS, I HATE what they have done to Jessica! I am not a big Jess fan and never have been, but damn, they COULD have brought in a strong interesting Natalie without throwing Jessica to the wolves.

Jen SUCKS, Rae SUCKS (but I was amused at Asa messing with her...Bwahahaha).

Max and Roxie I find trite. Although it DID make me like Max more, which I NEVER thought that I would again.

I want MORE Asa, Nigel and RJ (I want a WOMAN for RJ too...Blair, Alex, Lindsey or Liz).

I miss Lindsey.

Nora and Sam both give me a rash.

I like Chad but can't STAND Emily and do not see the point in her. Chad needs a STORY.

Troy, whatever, he is better than Sam. I would like for he and Blair to become friends...but as it is now, that dark past of his is not holding my attention, personally.

BTW, did I mention that if DORIAN, CASSIE, CARLO and ALEX (full time) came back...maybe David Vickers and Powell Lord, I would be SO more interested!

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[> [> [> I was kind of having fun with the Island stuff up until that "Todd&Crab" (will he or won't he kill the damn thing) discussion, man that was soooooooo bad, I haven't watched since. -- Candy, 05:59:28 07/29/02 Mon

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[> [> [> [> Yea, I haven't watched much of this crap either, just some here and there...The ONLY good Todd moment in this whole SL has been Todd attacking Ross when he woke up, IMO! (eyeroll). I only saw snappies of the Crab thing. Roger LOOKED good in the snappies, that's about the BEST I can say about it! -- ApothoKeri, 10:27:51 07/29/02 Mon

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